Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30

Our desks are cleaned out and the room is back in order from the testing arrangement, so we are ready for the last 3 1/2 weeks of school.  Can you believe it?  It is so hard to believe that the year is quickly coming to an end. 

There is lots on the schedule from here on out, so let me update you on a few things:

This week your child will be given their end of the year F and P reading level.  This is the individual reading test that shows their growth for the year.  I can't wait to see how they have improved. 

Field Day is Friday from 12:15-3:00. 

In SS we will be reviewing the Reform Movement.  We will be taking a test on the three ladies we covered in class:  Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth.  There is not a study guide for this, but we will be reviewing in class. The test is Thursday of this week.

My math class will be reviewing algebra (variables and input/output charts) on Monday and will take a quiz on Wednesday of this week.  We had this unit before CRCT testing and put off the test until this week.  They will bring home a couple of study sheets to use as a study guide.

Next week the students will take the Gwinnett County end of the year test.  They willl take a test each day Monday- Friday in the media center.  We will be taking this test on the computers.  This will be very similar to the beginning of the year test in order to show growth for the year.

Field trip - May 15th.

Have a super week!

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23

CRCT Schedule.....

Monday - Reading
Tuesday - Language Arts
Wednesday - Math
Thursday - Science
Friday - Social Studies

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22

As your kids probably told you, I was out Friday with a sick child.  Therefore, the progress reports will go out on Monday.  Thanks for your understanding.

We missed our spelling test since I was out, so I will get this made up this week. 

Two weeks of boot camp are behind us and the CRCT is upon us!  I think the kids really enjoyed the boot camp sessions.

The boot camp sessions took time away from our regular schedule, therefore I postponed some tests until after the CRCT.  For starters, although we finished our studies on the Reform  Movement (Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and and Elizabeth Cady Stanton), we will not test until the middle of next week.  My math class will also take their algebra math test this same week.  We will spend time
reviewing both of these topics before we test. 

The CRCT begins promptly at 9:00.  Students are not allowed to come into the classroom tardy.  They will have to make the test up on another day in a different classroom.  Testing will take the majority of time before lunch.

Our schedule beyond the CRCT will be reviewing for the next day's test.  It will be a light review with games, talking, etc.  After all, students will have already spent a large part of their day in a stressful situation.  I will try to lighten the load in the afternoons.  I am not planning to give any homework, but if you would like for your child to get on Study Island or the OAS at night, that would be great.  They could do a bit of last minute practice for the next day's test. 

This coming Friday we will have our movie day behavior reward for the month of April.  I would like to get at least one more auction in this school year.  The stock is running low, so if you are at Wal-mar, the Dollar Store, or the Target dollar section, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pick up a few things to contribute to the auction.  Thanks!

If you have not sent in money for the field trip, please do so as soon as possible.  The easiest way to pay is via the payments plus website, which is the same way you pay for lunches online.  We get an update every day showing who has paid using this method. Please send in the permission slip stating the method of payment.  For those of you who put down you would like to chaperon, I will be contacting you once we have our numbers.  There will be limited space on the bus for parents (we have 3 buses that will hold a max. of 150 people), but anyone can go as long as they are willing to drive.  Expect an email from me in the next week if you mentioned  you were interested. Thank you!

Have a great week!