Study Guides

I do not provide study guides for every test, but if I have one available, I will try and post it here.  You will be notified of individual test dates via the blog updates. Students wil also have material from their journals they will bring home to study.

Social Studies

Westward Expansion Study Guide - no answers - Click HERE

Westward Expansion Study Guide - with answers - Click HERE

Westward Expansion Vocabulary- Click HERE

Government Study Guide - no answers - Click HERE

Government Study Guide with answers - Click HERE

Government Vocabulary - Click HERE
Revolution Study Guide - no answers - Click HERE

Revolution Study Guide with answers - Click HERE

Revolutionary War Notes - Click HERE

Revolution Vocabulary - Click HERE

Road to the Revolution Study Guide - no Answers - Click HERE

Road to the Revolution Study Guide -  with Answers - Click HERE

Jamestown and Plymouth Notes - Click HERE

New England Colonies Notes - Click HERE

Middle Colonies Notes - Click HERE

Southern Colonies Notes - Click HERE

Colonies Vocabulary - Click HERE

Colonies Study Guide- Click HERE

Colonies Study Guide with answers - Click HERE

Explorer Study Guide- Click HERE

Exploer Study Guide with answers - Click HERE

Explorers Vocbulary - Click HERE

Native Americans - Click HERE

Maps, Globes, and Land Features - Click HERE