Road to the Revolution Unit Test- Students will have a study guide to begin studying as of Jan. 3for Phillips and the 4th for Howell. The test will be on Jan. 14th. It was originally planned for the 11th. We completed most of this unit before the break. We will complete the study guide, finish, and review. There are also study guides with the answers found on this blog under the sudy guide section.
Colonies Unit Test - As of right now, it is scheduled for Friday, December 7th. Study guides have been available for over a month. Please click under the study guide link to get study info. Also refer to your child's journal and notes from class that are sent home in the Friday folder.
Colonies Vocabulary Test- November 27th for Phillips' class, November 28th for Howell's class. See the study guide under the study guide link. Your child also has one in their journal.
Explorers Unit Test- October 31. Please see the study guide under the study guide link to the left. Your child also has a study guide we are completing in class together.
Social Studies Explorer Vocabulary Test- We will take our vocabulary test this Friday, Oct. 19th. I had planned to give this a week ago, but with our interim testing last week, scheduling changes, etc. I just didn't feel we were ready. All students have the vocabulary in their journals. You can also print this from the study guide section here on the class website.
September 23, 2012
The social studies test on Native Americans has been moved up a day to Thursday, September 27th.
September 18, 2012
Our Native American Test is scheduled for Friday, September 28th. Hopefully you have already clicked on the study guide link I posted a few weeks ago to start studying. If not, please do so. This study guide has the answers filled in. Your child has one from class that does not have the answers. We work on that together in class. Thank you
September 3, 2012
We will be starting our Native American unit tomorrow. I will let you know the test date when the time gets closer. Please visit the study guide link to the left or click HERE to get a Native American study guide. I would suggest you go ahead and start discussing the topics with your child. As they come home each day, please talk with them about the parts on the study guide that we discussed in class.
August 21, 2012
Our first scheduled test is for next week, August 29th for Howell's homeroom and August 30th for Phillips' homeroom. There are several parts to the test.
Your child will need to be familar with maps and globes vocabulary in order to apply those definitions to multiple choice questions using maps. Your child has set of definitions in their journal they may begin studying. The list can also be found on this website under the 'study guide' tab at the top of the page.
Your child will also be presented with a map of the United States. They will be required to label 13 important land features found in the U.S. The students have this map and may begin studying.
They will also need to know a description of those 13 land features in order to match the land feature with the descrition. In your child's journal, they have a map scavenger hunt we did in class. You can find a description of those 13 land features there. We also cut out pictures of the land features as we watched a power point, and the students will be writing the definitions beside the pictures.
Your chid's journal is their study guide. There will be no other study guide coming home.
Colonies Unit Test - As of right now, it is scheduled for Friday, December 7th. Study guides have been available for over a month. Please click under the study guide link to get study info. Also refer to your child's journal and notes from class that are sent home in the Friday folder.
Colonies Vocabulary Test- November 27th for Phillips' class, November 28th for Howell's class. See the study guide under the study guide link. Your child also has one in their journal.
Explorers Unit Test- October 31. Please see the study guide under the study guide link to the left. Your child also has a study guide we are completing in class together.
Social Studies Explorer Vocabulary Test- We will take our vocabulary test this Friday, Oct. 19th. I had planned to give this a week ago, but with our interim testing last week, scheduling changes, etc. I just didn't feel we were ready. All students have the vocabulary in their journals. You can also print this from the study guide section here on the class website.
September 23, 2012
The social studies test on Native Americans has been moved up a day to Thursday, September 27th.
September 18, 2012
Our Native American Test is scheduled for Friday, September 28th. Hopefully you have already clicked on the study guide link I posted a few weeks ago to start studying. If not, please do so. This study guide has the answers filled in. Your child has one from class that does not have the answers. We work on that together in class. Thank you
September 3, 2012
We will be starting our Native American unit tomorrow. I will let you know the test date when the time gets closer. Please visit the study guide link to the left or click HERE to get a Native American study guide. I would suggest you go ahead and start discussing the topics with your child. As they come home each day, please talk with them about the parts on the study guide that we discussed in class.
August 21, 2012
Our first scheduled test is for next week, August 29th for Howell's homeroom and August 30th for Phillips' homeroom. There are several parts to the test.
Your child will need to be familar with maps and globes vocabulary in order to apply those definitions to multiple choice questions using maps. Your child has set of definitions in their journal they may begin studying. The list can also be found on this website under the 'study guide' tab at the top of the page.
Your child will also be presented with a map of the United States. They will be required to label 13 important land features found in the U.S. The students have this map and may begin studying.
They will also need to know a description of those 13 land features in order to match the land feature with the descrition. In your child's journal, they have a map scavenger hunt we did in class. You can find a description of those 13 land features there. We also cut out pictures of the land features as we watched a power point, and the students will be writing the definitions beside the pictures.
Your chid's journal is their study guide. There will be no other study guide coming home.