Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23

Wow....I am sorry for the delay in my postings.  With spring break and CRCT preparations, and with my mom being in the hospital twice..... things have been crazy.  I apologize for the blog postings taking the back burner.

We are moving into day 2 of the CRCT.  Thank you for taking the time to encourage your child.  With a little positive motivation, they will do fantastic.

I have postponed two unit tests until after the CRCT.  Those two tests are the social studies test on westward expansion and the math test on measurement. The social studies study guide can be found under the study guide section if you would like to look over those notes with your child.  After the CRCT is over, we will spend a week reviewing those units, your child will complete a study guide, and a test date will be posted.  I do not know the test day yet. :-) 

We will pick back up with our regular daily activities next week. This would include weekly word work tests on Greek and Latin roots, math, cold reading tests, writing activities, social studies, science, and grammar. 

In closing, it is cRaZy how few days we have left in school.  Where does time go?