Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19

WOW!  I can not believe we have just 3 days left of school.  Where has the year gone? Your kids are growing up and will be entering their last year of elementary school.  It is bitter sweet, I am sure.

I want to take a moment to thank each of you for a super year.  You have been very supportive, and I do appreciate that.  I have enjoyed teaching your children my first year at Burnette.  They have been such a sweet and fun group to teach.  Your efforts as parents shine through in your polite and respectful children. 

Now, for a few reminders for the last few days of school.

CRCT scores went home in Friday folders.  If you have any questions, please contact me.  I was very proud of the students.

Our class party is Monday, May 21st.

Also, on Monday the 4th grade will be having a RAM before the party.  This is 'read all morning'.  The students are allowed to bring in a small pillow and towel, as well as books, magazines, word searches, crosswords, etc.  Everything must fit in their book bag. 

On Tuesday, we are doing a board game morning.  Your child may bring a game that they know how to play and would be able to explain to their friends.  We will also be doing educational games.

On Tuesday your child will bring home their workbooks and journals, so please try to leave lots of room in the book bag for those items.

Remember, on Wednesday the students are only to take home their report card.... no book bags and no lunchboxes.  Send their lunch in a disposable bag.  Thanks!

Have a super safe summer, and enjoy that time with your kids.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Field Day... Reminder from PTA/Room Mom

As you know, our field day is this Friday from 12:15 - 3:00Please have sunscreen for you child, and even consider wearing it that morning.  ; )  The will be outside for 2 hours and 45 minutes.

We have a snack provided by Owen's mom (thank you!), and water and popsicles provided by PTA.

If you want to join us to watch the events, Don't forget to bring:
  • Your camera
  • Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.!  Please don't forget the sunscreen for the kids too.  (put it on the kids in the morning and send a bottle with their name marked on it.)
  • If you have a water spray bottle.... please bring it to spray off the kids who would like to get sprayed to cool off.  (As they leave one event and head to the next event we can spray the kids down to cool them off.....)

We need HELP with:
  • We need someone to bring a bag of ice, to keep the water bottle cool....   (Tricia and  I are both at school for the morning classes, and wanted to refresh the ice for the 4th grade class....   Please let us know if 1 person could bring a bag of ICE.  ; )  (the smaller bag of ice, not the big jumbo one.)
  • At field day, we'll need help handing out the water bottles to the kids.  The bottles with be numbered from 1-25, so we'll be calling out their classroom numbers. (We can take turns handing out the water.)
  • Please take a turn toting the cooler from one event to the other.  It'll be on wheels, but we are going to be outside from 2 hours and 45 minutes.... and alot of us will have already done this in the morning for our younger kids.  ; )

Thanks for everyone help, what a FUN day!