Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 29

Math - My math class will have their 2nd multiplication test on Thursday of this week.

Grammar - Finish up with types of sentences.  We worked on this last week, too.  Students will take a test on the 4 types of sentences this Wednesday. There is not a study guide for grammar tests.

Word Study - This is a review week.  No new words will be introduced.

October 1st and 2nd: Parent/Teacher Conferences; Early Release Dismissal at 12:5), Book Fair Preview
October 1st- October 4th: Book Fair purchase
October 2nd: Reading/ELA Interim
October 3rd: Science Interim
October 5th: Fun Run
October 9th: Math Interim
October 10th: Social Studies Interim

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday Movie Day Treats Needed

UPDATE-  as of Tuesday we have popcorn being sent in by Nicholas P and Daniel, and candy being sent in by Keevin.  We still need 1 more person to send in 5 bags of already popped popcorn.  Thanks.

We have our movie day this coming Friday. I will need 15 bags of microwave popcorn already popped sent in Friday morning. In addition, I will need a bag of small Hershey bars (32 bars). We have enough drinks left from last time. Any volunteers? It would be great to get 3 people to each send in 5 bags of popped popcorn and 1 person to send in the candy. Please send me an email at if you can help out. I will then come back and post here when we have it all taken care of. Thanks so much for your help! :-)

September 22

The Native American test has been moved up to Thursday of this week.  It was originally scheduled for Friday, but due to the movie reward day we had to move it up a day.  The kids were told about this last week, so hopefully they passed that information along. 

Word Study: Root: voc-, voke-, voice- = voice, call
vocal, convoke, revoke, invoke, vocabulary, vocalize, convocation, vocation, avocation, multivocal

Fry Words: building, business, carefully, cells, cents
Word Study Test and Daily Grade on Friday

My math group will have their first multiplication test on Wednesday of this week.  We will review in class.

Conference schedules went home this week in Friday folders.  Please make sure you sign and return that on Monday. For those of you that got a form from me earlier in the week, thank you for returning it, and I have you down for the scheduled time. 

The book fair will be arriving this week.  Our preview day is Monday, October 1, and our purchase day is Thursday, October 4.  A brochure went home in Friday folders. 

This Friday is the PTA Disco Night... come out and have fun! 


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Native American Test

Our Native American Test is scheduled for Friday, September 28th.  Hopefully you have already clicked on the study guide link I posted a few weeks ago to start studying.  If not, please do so.  This study guide has the answers filled in.  Your child has one from class that does not have the answers.  We work on that together in class.  Thank you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 15

Simple and Compound Sentences Test Monday, Septmeber 24th
Water and Weather Vocabulary Test Wednesday, September 19th
Native American Test is projected for Wednesday, September 26th. It may be moved to Friday of that week if needed. Please see the study guide on the website under the study guide section.
Word Study: Root- audi, audit = hear, listen
audit, audition, auditorium, audible, audience, auditor, audiovisual, audiotape, audiolingual, audiocassette
Fry Words: better, birds, bones, branches, broken
Word Study Test and Daily Grade on Friday
Math: Chapter 5 Basic Multiplication Facts and Cahpter 7 Multiplying 1- and 2- Digit Numbers,  Factors and Multiples, Properties (Identity, Zero, Commutative, Associative, Distributive)
You will be receiving information about conferences.  I will be planning to start the 20 minute conferences the week of September 24th.  I will try to get all students that do not have siblings during this week and will try to coordinate sibling conferences with your other child's teacher for the regular conference days.  I thank you for understanding that this is due to the number of students we have this year.  With 32 kids, it is simply not possible to hold all conferences on the scheduled half days. 


Friday, September 14, 2012

Water and Weather Test

Science Test- Water and Weather Vocabulary Test next Wednesday the 17th

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 9

Wow!! We are half way through the first nine weeks.

Word Study for next week:

Review of im-, de-, in-, col-, com-, and pro words
immigrate, deemphasize, inmate, collusion, decode, collapse, proclaim, insert, combine, and propel

Fry Words: become, began, behind, believe, below

On Monday, my math class will be testing on rounding an estimating sums and differences.  We will then move into multiplication.  This will be multiplying up to four digits by 1 digit and then two digit by two digit.

Science: Weather

Social Studies: Native Americans 
Reading: non-fiction text structure and text features
Writing/Grammar: responding to non-ficion texts in writing,   Simple and Compound Sentences

Signed progress reports are due back on Monday.
Upcoming Events:
9/27- Book Fair
9/28- Burnette Disco
10/01 and 10/02- Parent /Teacher Conferences, Early Release


Monday, September 3, 2012

September 2, 2012

I hope you enjoyed the long relaxing weekend.  I know I did. :-)

The students really enjoyed the reward movie Friday this past Friday.  We will do that again at the end of September. Students are able to earn the movie based on their behavior.  They also earn popcorn, candy, and a beverage if they maintain good behavior/turn in work and homework throughout the 4 week period. At the end of the month, if a student has no checks in their choice card then they will earn popcorn, a drink, and a piece of candy. If they have 2 checks then they will earn popcorn and a drink. 4 checks will be popcorn only. 5, 6, 7, and 8 checks are the movie only (no extra treats). If they have more than 8 checks then they will not earn the reward and will be working during the movie instead

What's happening in the classroom?

We will finish up our studies of subject and predicate this week.  Students will take a test on this topic this Thursday. Fourth grade does not issue separate study guide for this test, but the topics students must be familar with are identifying simple and complete subjects and predicates.  A few sheets went home in last Friday's folder, and we will do a few more activities this week.

Word Study
 Root: pro- Definition: forward, for
promote, progress, proceed, propeller, proclaim, pronoun, pro-war, product, proverb, profess

Fry Words: apple, arms, around, away, became
My math class will finish up our studies of using rounding to estimate sums and differences.  They will complete a study guide on Wednesday and test on Friday of this week.
Please make sure you are reviewing all items sent home in Friday folders.  I do not separate the papers to the two different sides of the folder because it simply takes too much time with 32 kids.  I would ask that you look through the items and if I have stamped in red a 'please sign and return to Mrs. Phillips' that you go over that paper with your child and return it in the Friday folder on Monday.  I keep these in a file to monitor your child's progress on the given skill.  I stamp anything under a 70.
We are starting a new Native American  unit in Social Studies.  I have placed a study guide on the blog.  Please click in the study guide section to the left  of this post to find that.  A test date has not been given, but it is never too early to begin studying.
Progress reports will go home this Friday. 
Have a super week. :-)