Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 9

Wow!! We are half way through the first nine weeks.

Word Study for next week:

Review of im-, de-, in-, col-, com-, and pro words
immigrate, deemphasize, inmate, collusion, decode, collapse, proclaim, insert, combine, and propel

Fry Words: become, began, behind, believe, below

On Monday, my math class will be testing on rounding an estimating sums and differences.  We will then move into multiplication.  This will be multiplying up to four digits by 1 digit and then two digit by two digit.

Science: Weather

Social Studies: Native Americans 
Reading: non-fiction text structure and text features
Writing/Grammar: responding to non-ficion texts in writing,   Simple and Compound Sentences

Signed progress reports are due back on Monday.
Upcoming Events:
9/27- Book Fair
9/28- Burnette Disco
10/01 and 10/02- Parent /Teacher Conferences, Early Release