Wow!! We are half way through the first nine weeks.
Word Study for next week:
Review of im-, de-, in-, col-, com-, and pro words
deemphasize, inmate, collusion, decode, collapse, proclaim, insert, combine, and
Fry Words: become, began, behind, believe,
On Monday, my math class will be testing on rounding an estimating sums and differences. We will then move into multiplication. This will be multiplying up to four digits by 1 digit and then two digit by two digit.
Science: Weather
Social Studies: Native Americans
Reading: non-fiction text structure and text features
Writing/Grammar: responding to non-ficion texts in writing,
Simple and Compound Sentences
Signed progress reports are due back on Monday.
9/27- Book Fair
9/28- Burnette Disco
and 10/02- Parent /Teacher Conferences, Early Release