I hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
When we get back from the break.......
Writing and Grammar - We will finish up with parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, and pronouns) and we will move on to prepositions.
Writing - We will work on informational writings, along with some holiday writings.
Word Study:
Root: per- Definition: through, thorough(ly)
permeate, percolate, perforate, persist, perfect, permanent, perspective, perfume, perspiration, permit
Fry Words: yellow, famous, father, figure, fingers
Social Studies - Continue with Colonization. We have already covered Jamestown and Plymouth. We have moved into comparing and contrasting the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies. Please see the study guides found by clicking on the 'study guide' link on the left side of this web page.
In social studies, my class will have a Colonies vocabulary quiz the Tuesday we come back from the break, and Mrs. Howell's class will have one the Wed. after the break. All students have a list of the vocabulary in their journals, but this can also be found by clicking on the study guide link.
Science- (with Howell) Earth, Sun, and Moon
Math - (Phillips' math class) - pick back up with our fraction unit. We will be ready to test on the first fractions test on Thursday after we return from the Thanksgiving break. Students will receive a study guide. We will then move on to part 2 of our fraction unit.