Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2

Wow!  Can you believe it is already December?  Unbelievable!

Despite the fact that we  only have 2.5 weeks left until we get out for the winter break, we have lots to cover. 

OREOS are needed for Science... if you can send some in for Miss Howell, that would be great.  Thanks!!

Reading:  Finishing up our studies of Greek Myths and how phrases in our texts today allude to words used in Greek Mythologies.  We will also start focusing on reading closely, inferring while reading, and providing evidence from text to support our thinking.

Grammar and Writing:  Finishing up parts of speech- we have been working on this for the past couple of weeks.  Students wrote in their agenda books last week that we will take a short test on Monday (December 3).  The test will be sentences with a word underlined.  The students will need to identify if the word is a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, or preposition.  We will then be moving to to focus on nouns that show ownership, which are called possessive nouns.

Word Study:
Root: auto- Definition: self

automobile, autograph, automat, autobiography, autoharp, autopilot, automatic, autocrat, autobiographer, autohypnosis

Fry Words: flowers, forest, friends, general, happy
Social StudiesPhillips and  Howell's class will take their Colonies test on Friday, December 7th.  Students have had access to the study notes on the website for over a month.  They have been encouraged to study daily.  In addition, they will complete a study guide in class, as well as having notes in their journals.  Click on the link to the left for study guides if you would like to print the materials.  The main topics of this test include information dealing with Jamestown, Plymouth, and the 13 colonies.  It is a LOT of info., and I am sure you have figured out the SS content is a lot every nine weeks.  Studying each night is my best suggestion to you and your kids.  I tell them this all the time.  Thank you for working with your child to help reinforce the teachings from class.  :-)
Science: Earth, Sun, and Moon
Test Friday, December 7th (Howell and Phillips)

  • Thursday, December 13th: PTA/4th grade chorus performs @ 6:30
  • Wednesday, December 18th: Holiday Party 1:00-2:15
  • December 20th-January 2nd: Winter Break
  • Thursday, January 2nd: Students return to school
