Wow! The school year is off to a great start. I am so pleased with the students' behavior and desire to learn. They have been active participants in the classroom lessons and seem to be excited about the school year. Of course, this makes it fun for me.
What have we done this week? Here are a few of the activities:
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We have been busy bees! |
- Learned the rules and procedures for 4th grade
- Set up our reader's notebook
- Got 5 new spelling words and weekly homework, Tested on Friday
- Reviewed place value, will continue with this next week.
- Discussed vocabulary for maps and globes, continue next week.
- Introduction to our unit on water
- Learned how morning work procedures work- review of grammar skills
- Beginning of the year writing assessment
- Beginning of the year math benchmark
- Beginning of the year reading benchmark
- Beginning of the year language arts benchmark
- Reading Calendar expectations
- Agenda book expectations
- MUCH more!
Thank you so much for supporting me in using the nightly reading calendar. This is a great way to hold students accountable for nightly reading. Please sign it Monday-Thursday nights along with the agenda book.
In addition to the reading calendar, I ask that you also sign the agenda book. In the agenda book you will be able to see some of the topics we studied for the day. The students write this in the specific subject areas. In the white box at the bottom of the page, you will see homework for the night.
The first Friday folder went home today. Please sign and return the choice card located inside the folder, and send the folder back on Monday. Inside the Friday folder you will see a vocabulary study sheet for our upcoming map test. The test will be next Thursday. We are still working on the unit, but the students can be studying at home while we finish. You will also find a "Memory Bag" parent letter in the folder.
I am looking for donations for our upcoming auction. This is the reward that goes along with our classroom economy system. The items can be any kind of trinket that kids would like.... candy, small toys, pencils, erasers, stickers, notepads, basically a range of Dollar Store type items. Thank you for helping with this.
Just to let you know, if you subscribe to this blog using the email subscription on the sidebar to the right, you will be sent an email when I update the blog. :-)
I think that about sums things up. Once again, we had a super first week of school. I am looking forward to a very successful school year.
Please excuse any typos. Thank you!