For starters, we will not have our normal math groups on Monday, as the fourth graders will be participating in the on-site field trip though High Tech High Touch. A letter went home in last Friday's folder. It should be a lot of fun.
Thanks to those that came to the Technology/Enrichment night. It sounded like it was a huge success and parents learned a lot. I am sorry I was not able to be a presenter, but my one year old came down with a fever and I had to leave school early on Thursday.
Topics of study- paraphrasing, multiplication, Colonial Times/13 colonies, solar system, pronouns, non-fiction writing.
Tests- My math group will have their 2nd multiplication test on Thursday of this week. Some of the topics will include two and three digit multiplication by one digit, distributive property of two digit by two digit multiplication, and multiplying by multiples of ten. We will be reviewing in class. We have been working on these skills over the last couple of weeks.
The art fundraiser has started. You received a baggie of information in the Friday folder. Everything is explained in the packet. Orders can be filled up until next Friday, November 11th.
"Getting Wild" Cultural Arts Program - November 14th. I do not know much about this event, but I will let the kids know once I hear more.
Info from the PTA wellness Committee- " The PTA Wellness Committee is kicking off a fun fitness challenge to help everyone stay active as we move from Trick or Treating into the season of eating! All students are receiving a fitness tracking sheet to record minutes of playing/moving/exercising during the week. Each student is bringing home a sheet in their Friday folder. It can be formal exercise, like a team sport practice, or it can be a fun family activity, like dancing, playing Frisbee, running around and playing at a playground. All physical activity at home (not at school) counts. Students are to track and record their activities every day, and return the card every Friday for the next six weeks. Since we will be on break the Friday of Thanksgiving week, please turn the card in on Monday immediately after Thanksgiving."
Spelling Bee- The spelling bee will take place on Jan. 3-6. You will receive information as I receive it. Until then, there is a spelling word practice sheet that went home in this weeks Friday folder.
Colonial America Presentation- We will attend a presentation in the media center on Colonial GA and American Revolution Living History on November 30th from 10:30-11:30. This goes right along with our Social Studies unit, so the kids should find it very interesting. I can't wait for this one!!
Holiday Lunch- Our holiday lunch/feast is scheduled for Nov. 16th from 11:40-12:05. Please see the RSVP note in the school's newsletter. Send this back in with your child as soon as possible.
HOLIDAY BREAK- yeah!... we all need a nice break. :-) November 21-25
I sure hope I included everything, but if not, I will be back to post more. Have a great weekend.

Please excuse any typos. Thanks!