What's happening this week?
We will have a pronoun quiz on Thursday We are reviewing in class Wednesday. Students will be bringing home a couple of workbook pages to use as a study guide this evening. Pronouns are also taught in third grade, so hopefully each of the kids will do well.
In social studies, we are starting with the French and Indian War and will learn about the "Road to the Revolution" before we get out for Christmas break. This is a LOT of information, so you will see more homework coming home in social studies in order to review and reinforce what we have talked about in class. Most students find this very interesting. We will not test on this until the middle of the week the last week before we break.
This week on Wednesday we will have a guest speaker in the media center. He will be speaking on Colonial America.
In reading we are studying steps in a process. A fun project at home would be to bake something with your child. Let them follow the steps. Talk about why we follow the designated order.
Our Christmas party the last day before we break (Friday). More information will come from our room mom. I know the kids will have lots of fun.
In math we are finishing up our studies of two and three digit multiplication. We will test on Thursday of this week. This will be our third multiplication test. We will then move onto long division. We will not be spending a lot of time on basic division, as kids are supposed to have mastered that in third grade. If you know your child struggles, please spend extra time at home working on basic facts.
Benchmark tests will be the last week before break. We will take one test each day just like we have done in the past.
Have a super week!
Please excuse any typos. Thanks!