I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!
We are in the long stretch to finish out this year. It is going to fly by.... WOW! Can you believe your child is almost a 5th grader?
Here is the run down of what we will cover this next week or so......
Math- My math class will continue with 2-D figures/geometry, and we will hopefully test on Tuesday of next week (March 20). We will then move on to 3-D/solid figures. This upcoming test will take a great deal of thinking skills when looking closely at figures to tell what characteristics the figures have, such as parallel lines, perpendicular lines, etc. A review sheet will come home soon.
Social Studies - We will finish up westward expansion this week, review early next week, and be ready to test on Wednesday of next week (most likely... I am aiming for that). Please review last week's blog post for a study guide for this test. I would advise you to have your child begin studying now if you haven't already done so. :-)
Reading - We have finished up figurative language, and we are moving on to some non-fiction reading. We will be going back and reviewing some of our earlier Social Studies topics, such as explorers and Native Americans, and then we will move to Jamestown and the Colonists. We will read all new material, but it will be on topics we have learned about. We will continue to have our cold reading tests on Fridays and enjoy our Time Magazines. We will also be visiting the computer lab to work on reading skills through the use of Study Island.
Don't forget.... pictures are Wed. March 14th......... We preview the book fair on Friday, March 16th and SHOP on Monday March 19th at 9:35.........
I am looking forward to a terrific last nine weeks.
We are in the long stretch to finish out this year. It is going to fly by.... WOW! Can you believe your child is almost a 5th grader?
Here is the run down of what we will cover this next week or so......
Math- My math class will continue with 2-D figures/geometry, and we will hopefully test on Tuesday of next week (March 20). We will then move on to 3-D/solid figures. This upcoming test will take a great deal of thinking skills when looking closely at figures to tell what characteristics the figures have, such as parallel lines, perpendicular lines, etc. A review sheet will come home soon.
Social Studies - We will finish up westward expansion this week, review early next week, and be ready to test on Wednesday of next week (most likely... I am aiming for that). Please review last week's blog post for a study guide for this test. I would advise you to have your child begin studying now if you haven't already done so. :-)
Reading - We have finished up figurative language, and we are moving on to some non-fiction reading. We will be going back and reviewing some of our earlier Social Studies topics, such as explorers and Native Americans, and then we will move to Jamestown and the Colonists. We will read all new material, but it will be on topics we have learned about. We will continue to have our cold reading tests on Fridays and enjoy our Time Magazines. We will also be visiting the computer lab to work on reading skills through the use of Study Island.
Don't forget.... pictures are Wed. March 14th......... We preview the book fair on Friday, March 16th and SHOP on Monday March 19th at 9:35.........
I am looking forward to a terrific last nine weeks.