Happy March to you!
I am going to give you a lot of information, so please read carefully. Thank you.
In social studies we will continue studying westward expansion. This is chapter 11 in the social studies book. We will not be taking our unit test until week after next. I would highly recommend you go ahead and start studying with your child. You may reread chapter 11 and also I am giving a link to the studyguide with the answers, so you can discuss this with your child.
CLICK HERE for the social studies study guide for westward expansion.
Because we will have end of the 9 weeks benchmark testing next week, and because we coverd A LOT of information in social studies, I am going to give you some links to a few review packets I put together. I will not be copying these for the students, but I would highly recommend you print them out and read over them/quiz our child. We take the social studies benchmark next Friday.
Links to packets:
Causes of the American Revolution - click HERE
American Revolution - click HERE
Declaration of Independance - click HERE
The New Nation - click HERE
My Math Group----- We will take a test on multiplying and dividing decimals a week from Tuesday on March 13. The plan is to keep reviewing these skills each day for a few minutes, but we will move on to cover some geometry vocabulary and skills. There will NOT be a study guide for the decimal test. This test will cover multiplying and dividing decimals x a whole number. Feel free to use the math book to review these skills or to give your child more practice problems at home. As with all the tests we take in math, students will need to apply these skills in word problems. The geometry test will be shortly after that.
Interim benchmark testing - will occur next week. We take one test each day. Remember, the county makes these tests, and I do not get to see them ahead of time. They cover the material we teach in class.
Donations for silent auction - We are responsible for a reading theme. Please send in books or gift cards to place in the basket. Your donations are greatly appreciated!!
In reading we will finish up with figurative language and move on to poetry. The kids have really enjoyed figurative language.
Have a super weekend!!
I am going to give you a lot of information, so please read carefully. Thank you.
In social studies we will continue studying westward expansion. This is chapter 11 in the social studies book. We will not be taking our unit test until week after next. I would highly recommend you go ahead and start studying with your child. You may reread chapter 11 and also I am giving a link to the studyguide with the answers, so you can discuss this with your child.
CLICK HERE for the social studies study guide for westward expansion.
Because we will have end of the 9 weeks benchmark testing next week, and because we coverd A LOT of information in social studies, I am going to give you some links to a few review packets I put together. I will not be copying these for the students, but I would highly recommend you print them out and read over them/quiz our child. We take the social studies benchmark next Friday.
Links to packets:
Causes of the American Revolution - click HERE
American Revolution - click HERE
Declaration of Independance - click HERE
The New Nation - click HERE
My Math Group----- We will take a test on multiplying and dividing decimals a week from Tuesday on March 13. The plan is to keep reviewing these skills each day for a few minutes, but we will move on to cover some geometry vocabulary and skills. There will NOT be a study guide for the decimal test. This test will cover multiplying and dividing decimals x a whole number. Feel free to use the math book to review these skills or to give your child more practice problems at home. As with all the tests we take in math, students will need to apply these skills in word problems. The geometry test will be shortly after that.
Interim benchmark testing - will occur next week. We take one test each day. Remember, the county makes these tests, and I do not get to see them ahead of time. They cover the material we teach in class.
Donations for silent auction - We are responsible for a reading theme. Please send in books or gift cards to place in the basket. Your donations are greatly appreciated!!
In reading we will finish up with figurative language and move on to poetry. The kids have really enjoyed figurative language.
Have a super weekend!!