Don't forget.... my math group has their first multiplication test this Monday. Your child should have brought home a study guide. We also played review games. We will continue with multiplication, and we will have two other tests over the next couple of weeks.
In social studies, we will begin our studies of the Colonists. Our upcoming reading skill is features of non-fiction texts. The science topic is the solar system. In grammar we will continue with nouns and we will test on this most likely this Thursday. There is not a study guide for this, as these are review skills that they actually learned in third grade, too. The noun topics include common, proper, singular, plural, singular possessive, and plural possessive.
October 27 is picture make-up day. Please have your child let me know if they need a picture form, as not all students will need one. You can also email me to let me know. You can view other important dates on the school's main web page by clicking HERE.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. The weather is wonderful!!
Please excuse any typos. Thanks!