The students took a benchmark each day this past week, and yes, these do count as a grade (only 4% of the overall average). You should be able to view their scores on the grade portal. Unfortunately, we do not send these tests home. They are signed out to us right before the test begins and then we return them upon completing the test. Teachers do not view the test ahead of time. It is a county issued test.
Because of benchmarks, our schedule was completely thrown off. We actually did not even get out spelling test in on Friday. We will simply pick up with the next unit on Tuesday.
I enjoyed seeing each of you at conferences. I had 100% attendance, which meant I met with 25 families. I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to come in.
As this next nine weeks begings, we are moving into multiplication. Remember, your child should have come to 4th grade having mastered their basic multiplication facts with QUICK recall. I am finding that I do have a handful of students that really need to be practicing these each night at home. We have already started 2 digit multiplication by one digit and we will soon be moving into two digit by two digit. Much of this will just be practice, repeat, practice, repeat.... After that, we will move into long division.
We will be spending about two more weeks on Explorers. Your child will be bringing home a vocabulary study sheet at the end of the week and a few days later, they will bring home a unit study guide. I will let you know when the tests will be. Make sure that your child studies the guide when it is sent home. It is a lot of material, so homework each night should be to look over the material.
Among other things, we have also been working on conjunctions and writing compound sentences. We study prefixes and suffixes daily to help us better understand spelling and word meanings. Our reading topic this week is comparing and contrasting. Our reader's workshop/guided reading groups are in full swing and the kids are enjoying it.
In your child's Friday folder this week, they brought home a baggie to collect quarters. This is for United Way and is a school fund raiser. Thanks for encouraging your child to participate.
The book fair was a lot of fun. They made some great book selections!
WOW! I think that about covers it for this week. Enjoy this nice long weekend.
Please excuse any typos. Thanks!