Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 8

Don't forget about early release times for Monday and Tuesday of this week due to conferences.  If you do not remember your conference time, you can call the front office at school and they can remind you of the time.  They have a list of all conference times. Thanks for being on time since conferences are scheduled back-to-back.  I appreciate your understanding.

The students previewed the book fair this past Friday.  Our shopping day is this coming Thursday, October 6th.

This is an extremely busy week at school with conferences, the book fair, AND we have end of the quarter benchmark testing.  Students will take one test each day this week.  These tests will cover material studied this first nine weeks of school.  There are no study guides for these tests, but we will do some review in class to simply as a refresher of the concepts.

Don't forget to check the school's website for other important dates.  Here is a link to the calendar.

This week we will continue our studies of European explorers, as well as review other skills taught this nine weeks.

Please be on the look-out for cheap items that can be added to our auction merchandise.  We will need to work each month to rebuild the stock by the end of the month.  We had our second auction on Friday, and the kids had so much fun.  Thanks for your help with this.

Have a super Sunday.

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!