Students will have a Water test on Wednesday, September 5th. All students have a completed study guide in their journal.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Need Popcorn and Drinks
Hi- Our movie day is this Friday. I placed a treat sign up form on the blog this past Friday in hopes of getting the items sent in by Wednesday (popcorn on Friday). We are still in need of 2 people to sign up for sending in 12 Sprites and 2 people to send in 5 bags of popped popcorn (send that in on Friday).
Unfortunately, if we can't get it covered with donations, we will only have the movie and no popcorn or drinks. Thank you so much for your help.
If interested, please either email me directly or use the Friday Treat sign up form on the blog.
Thanks again!
Unfortunately, if we can't get it covered with donations, we will only have the movie and no popcorn or drinks. Thank you so much for your help.
If interested, please either email me directly or use the Friday Treat sign up form on the blog.
Thanks again!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
August 25
It has been a great week! It's hard to believe that next week will be our fourth week of school. Where does time go?
Thank you to those that were able to attend curriculum night. I enjoyed seeing you again. For those that could not attend, I understand that we all have busy lives and sometimes schedules just don't allow for everything.
Don't forget that my class will take their land feature/maps and globes test this coming Thursday. Ms. Howell's class will take it on Wednesday. We will review on Monday and Tuesday. Your child's journal is their 'study guide'.
In my math class, we tested on place value and we are moving on to rounding numbers. We will most likely be ready to test a week from Monday. If your child has another teacher for math, please visit their blogs, as they probably have updates posted.
Poor classroom behaviors have not been a problem this year, but we have had a lot of talking in the halls and bathrooms. Thank you for helping remind your child about this school rule. Please review your child's choice card each weekend for their behaviors from the last week. You can see how your child performed in the areas of work habits and conduct.
You will now start to see work come home in the Friday folders. If your child ever receives a failing grade, I will place a 'sign and return' stamp or sticker on it. Please review the paper with your child, and then send it back in. I place these in a file, so that I have a place of reference for skills your child has struggled with. This helps me know what to review with them, as well as provides the necessary documentation if we start thinking there is a more in-depth learning issue that we need to address.
Your child can take home their word work journal throughout the week in order to study the Greek and Latin roots. We test on Friday. The matching definition part is a class grade, and the dictation sentences with high-frequency words is counted as a test grade. We have now had 2 of these tests.
Encourage your child to show you some of the cursive they have been working on. We practice a letter a day.
Word work words:
Root: de- Definition: down, off of
Fry Words:
Don't forget to review the links on the side of the blog.
Also, stay up to date on the school happenings by reading the school email blast. I have put a link to the side that will take you straight to the school's page that lists those newsletters.
Please do 'subscribe by email' to this class blog. You will be emailed my blog updates. It will not email you the page updates, which are the links on the left, but it will include these main blog messages.
Have a super weekend. I am looking for another wonderful week with your child.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday Treats for Aug 31
As of yet, I do not have a room parent volunteer. If you are interested in this position, please let me know. I had one parent interested in assisting the room parent, but I don't have anyone who will take on the leader position. How about it? :-)
With that said, I will be the one asking for the treats we will need for the last Friday of each month. In order to try and make it easier on me, I have added a form where you can let me know if you are interested in sending in treats for next Friday. I will check the form over the next day or so and see who may have volunteered to send in an item. I will then post to let you know who will be sending in items. If we have many volunteers and I don't need to use you this go round, please know that I will be posting other sign up forms toward the end of each month.
Thank you so much for helping to make it a success.
There is a link to the left side of the blog titled 'Friday Treats' or you can click HERE to be taken directly to that link.
Thanks again!
Friday, August 17, 2012
August 17
School Newsletter- If for some reason you are not getting the school newsletter via email, please check your SPAM folder. This is a message from the front office :-)
Weekly Folders- There are quite a few papers in your child's Friday folder to be signed and returned. Please look through those papers carefully. Some of the important papers include a recorder order form, school club information, a Scholastic Weekly News order form, and more.
Scholastic News- I have ordered Scholastic News for our class. This is a biweekly magazine. The cost per child will be $4.25, but you are not obligated to pay. I do appreciate a donation of $4.25 though because I am paying for this out of my own pocket if I don't receive money from each student :-) I love weekly magazines, and the kids do too! If you are sending in a check, please make the check payable to Burnette Elementary School. Thank you.
Agenda Procedures- The school provides each child with an agenda book. This book helps your child learn about organization at an early age. In addition, it helps keep parents informed about homework. At the end of each day, we review what we did during the day. We also recap any homework assignments the students were given. At this time, students are given time to write down the homework. This is their signal to not only write down the assignment but to grab the actual homework assignment from their desk to take home. I do not fill out the agenda book. This is something each child does. Because of this, it is important for your child to write things clearly, or to at least be able to read their own writing. If you are having trouble reading their assignments, please talk with them about this. I check for a signature each morning.
If you write me a note in the agenda book, it is best that you please tell your child to point the note about to me as I am making my way around, as I don't want to overlook it. With 31 students, I am walking around stamping a lot of agenda books. :-)
Tests - The only tests that will be assigned on a scheduled basis are a reading test and word work (spelling) tests. We take our word work tests on Fridays as well as a 'cold' reading test. Your child receives the word work words at the beginning of the week, and we work with those words all week long.
Your child can't study for the cold reading test. With a cold reading, students are presented with stories that are on an expected 4th grade reading level but it uses stories an questions they have not seen before.
Unit tests in other subject areas are given at different times. Students are told ahead of time, and most often (not always), they are given a study guide to study. I will try to post on here when the tests are, but please refer to your child's agenda book too.
Have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Study Guides for Tests
Another head's up for you :-) I have also added a tab to the top of this page that includes links to some of the study guides we use in class. Please visit that page for detailed information. Click HERE to go directly to that page.

Word Work
I just wanted to give you a head's up that I added a 'word work' link to the tab list at the top of this page. You will find some useful information about how the word work program works. Work work is made up of spelling, but it also includes learning the basis of word mearnings through the study of Greek and Latin word roots. You may click HERE to go right to the page.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
August 9, 2012

Weekly Folders: Your child will bring home their Friday folder for the first time this week. There is not much in it this week as far as work, but there are some things from the school. On a weekly basis, please look through the folder carefully, as there may be papers that need to be signed and returned. Thank you.
Math Groups: We have started switching for math. Your child's math teacher will issue math work, homework, and tests. Please talk with your child and review their agenda book (where they should have written down homework) so you are up to date on homework and tests.
If your child has me for math, they will have a weekly homework sheet that is given out on Mondays and returned on Fridays. The sheet reviews many different skills. In addition to this weekly sheet, they may also have a nightly workbook page several nights a week.
Science/Social Studies: Mrs. Howell and I switch for these subjects. My homeroom will go to science for one hour on Tuesday and Thursday, and they will go for 45 minutes each Friday. They will have the same schedule with me for social studies buy on alternating days.
Reading Calendar and Agenda: The reading log is taken home and needs a parent signature Monday- Thursday. The agenda is signed on those same nights. Neither one has to be signed for the weekends.
I think this gives you and update on a few of the major topics for the classroom. I will be adding new blog posts when I think of important information I need to share. I do not have a set day that I update this blog, but I try to do it at least once a week. Please do the 'subscribe by email' on the right so you will be emailed when I update the blog.
Have a super weekend.
Please excuse any typos. :-)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Tomorrow is the First Day
I enjoyed meeting each of you at registration. I hope you enjoyed your last few days of summer break.
Tomorrow is the first day of school. WOW!.... hard to believe.
I have worked hard to prepare for this school year, so I am really excited. The first day is always filled with getting situated in the new environment. Students put supplies away and get their desk organized. They become familiar with their new teacher, classmates, and the room itself. Your child will learn the routines of the classroom, get a brief introduction to some of the concepts they will learn this year, and gain an understanding of the class and school expectations. It should be a great day for us all.
Please note that we waste no time in jumping right into the routine. Starting Tuesday, we will stick to our daily schedule as best we can. Starting Wednesday, the school has scheduled us to switch for math classes for the first time. The school places students in math classes, so I have not received information about which fourth grade teacher your child will have for math. You will know once I receive that info. Mrs. Howell and I switch classes for Social Studies and Science, so your child will have her for science. We will most likely start this on Wed. too.
Have a super day, and I look forward to greeting the students tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Welcome Letter 2012-2013
Dear Parents,
I am very excited about having your child in my classroom and working with you to ensure that your child will have a positive experience in fourth grade. As your child’s teacher, I have high expectations and will give all my students an opportunity to fulfill these expectations in the learning style that best enables them to achieve their individual goals.
Listed below are several important reminders for this school year:
- Burnette Elementary school hours are 8:50-3:20. Your child may arrive between 8:20-8:50.
- Please remember to send a note to school when your child’s transportation changes. All transportation notes must be hand written. Also, all absences require a written note.
- Our lunch time is 11:40- 12:05. You are welcome to join your child for lunch. Please do not bring fast food for your child to eat.
- Feel free to celebrate your child’s birthday by sending in a ready-to-serve treat that your child may pass out during our lunch time. If you send in drinks, please be sure to send in clear liquids such as sprite or water.
- We will have an optional snack time during the day. Please send one healthy finger food choice (no candy, juice, etc.) Children may bring water bottles. Only water will be allowed in the classroom.
- Please make sure you sign in and wear a visitor’s badge anytime you are in the building to help keep the school safe.
Our Daily Schedule:
8:20 – 8:55 Arrival/Morning Work/Announcements
8:55 – 10:00 Reading
10:05 – 11:05 Math
11:05 – 11:40 Writing/Word Study/Grammar
11:45 -12:10 Lunch
12:15 – 12:30 TDPE (recess)
12:35 – 1:15 Writing/Grammar
12:35 – 1:15 Writing/Grammar
1:15 – 2:25 Social Studies/Science
2:25 – 3:15 Specials
3:20 Dismissal
· Our specials schedule will rotate daily. Our class will follow the below rotation:
Day 1 – PE*
Day 2– Art
Day 3 – Music
Day 4 – Media/Technology/Counseling
Day 5 – PE*
* Please remember to wear or bring appropriate shoes for PE.
It's going to be a super year! Please check back often for updates. Don't forget to subscribe to the blog (one the right side) , or fill in your emial under "follow by email" in order to get emails when the blog is updated. I think the email option is the most convenient.
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