Weekly Folders: Your child will bring home their Friday folder for the first time this week. There is not much in it this week as far as work, but there are some things from the school. On a weekly basis, please look through the folder carefully, as there may be papers that need to be signed and returned. Thank you.
Math Groups: We have started switching for math. Your child's math teacher will issue math work, homework, and tests. Please talk with your child and review their agenda book (where they should have written down homework) so you are up to date on homework and tests.
If your child has me for math, they will have a weekly homework sheet that is given out on Mondays and returned on Fridays. The sheet reviews many different skills. In addition to this weekly sheet, they may also have a nightly workbook page several nights a week.
Science/Social Studies: Mrs. Howell and I switch for these subjects. My homeroom will go to science for one hour on Tuesday and Thursday, and they will go for 45 minutes each Friday. They will have the same schedule with me for social studies buy on alternating days.
Reading Calendar and Agenda: The reading log is taken home and needs a parent signature Monday- Thursday. The agenda is signed on those same nights. Neither one has to be signed for the weekends.
I think this gives you and update on a few of the major topics for the classroom. I will be adding new blog posts when I think of important information I need to share. I do not have a set day that I update this blog, but I try to do it at least once a week. Please do the 'subscribe by email' on the right so you will be emailed when I update the blog.
Have a super weekend.
Please excuse any typos. :-)