I enjoyed meeting each of you at registration. I hope you enjoyed your last few days of summer break.
Tomorrow is the first day of school. WOW!.... hard to believe.
I have worked hard to prepare for this school year, so I am really excited. The first day is always filled with getting situated in the new environment. Students put supplies away and get their desk organized. They become familiar with their new teacher, classmates, and the room itself. Your child will learn the routines of the classroom, get a brief introduction to some of the concepts they will learn this year, and gain an understanding of the class and school expectations. It should be a great day for us all.
Please note that we waste no time in jumping right into the routine. Starting Tuesday, we will stick to our daily schedule as best we can. Starting Wednesday, the school has scheduled us to switch for math classes for the first time. The school places students in math classes, so I have not received information about which fourth grade teacher your child will have for math. You will know once I receive that info. Mrs. Howell and I switch classes for Social Studies and Science, so your child will have her for science. We will most likely start this on Wed. too.
Have a super day, and I look forward to greeting the students tomorrow morning.