Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17

School Newsletter-    If for some reason you are not getting the school newsletter via email, please check your SPAM folder.  This is a message from the front office  :-)

Weekly Folders-  There are quite a few papers in your child's Friday folder to be signed and returned.  Please look through those papers carefully.  Some of the important papers include a recorder order form, school club information, a Scholastic Weekly News order form, and more.

Scholastic News-  I have ordered Scholastic News for our class.  This is a biweekly magazine.  The cost per child will be $4.25, but you are not obligated to pay.  I do appreciate a donation of $4.25 though because I am paying for this out of my own pocket if I don't receive money from each student :-)  I love weekly magazines, and the kids do too!  If you are sending in a check, please make the check payable to Burnette Elementary School.  Thank you.

Agenda Procedures- The school provides each child with an agenda book.  This book helps your child learn about organization at an early age.  In addition, it helps keep parents informed about homework.  At the end of each day, we review what we did during the day.  We also recap any homework assignments the students were given.  At this time, students are given time to write down the homework.  This is their signal to not only write down the assignment but to grab the actual homework assignment from their desk to take home.  I do not fill out the agenda book.  This is something each child does.  Because of this, it is important for your child to write things clearly, or to at least be able to read their own writing.  If you are having trouble reading their assignments, please talk with them about this.  I check for a signature each morning. 

If you write me a note in the agenda book, it is best that you please tell your child to point the note about to me as I am making my way around, as I don't want to overlook it.  With 31 students, I am walking around stamping a lot of agenda books.  :-)

Tests - The only tests that will be assigned on a scheduled basis are a reading test and word work (spelling) tests.  We take our word work tests on Fridays as well as a 'cold' reading test.   Your child receives the word work words at the beginning of the week, and we work with those words all week long. 

Your child can't study for the cold reading test.  With a cold reading, students are presented with stories that are on an expected 4th grade reading level but it uses stories an questions they have not seen before. 

Unit tests in other subject areas are given at different times.  Students are told ahead of time, and most often (not always), they are given a study guide to study.  I will try to post on here when the tests are, but please refer to your child's agenda book too.

Have a great weekend!!