Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Welcome Letter 2012-2013

Dear Parents,

                I am very excited about having your child in my classroom and working with you to ensure that your child will have a positive experience in fourth grade.  As your child’s teacher, I have high expectations and will give all my students an opportunity to fulfill these expectations in the learning style that best enables them to achieve their individual goals.

Listed below are several important reminders for this school year:

  • Burnette Elementary school hours are 8:50-3:20.  Your child may arrive between 8:20-8:50. 
  • Please remember to send a note to school when your child’s transportation changes. All transportation notes must be hand written. Also, all absences require a written note. 
  • Our lunch time is 11:40- 12:05.  You are welcome to join your child for lunch.  Please do not bring fast food for your child to eat.  
  • Feel free to celebrate your child’s birthday by sending in a ready-to-serve treat that your child may pass out during our lunch time.  If you send in drinks, please be sure to send in clear liquids such as sprite or water. 
  • We will have an optional snack time during the day.  Please send one healthy finger food choice (no candy, juice, etc.)  Children may bring water bottles.  Only water will be allowed in the classroom.
  • Please make sure you sign in and wear a visitor’s badge anytime you are in the building to help keep the school safe.

Our Daily Schedule:
8:20 – 8:55         Arrival/Morning Work/Announcements
8:55 – 10:00      Reading
10:05 – 11:05   Math
11:05 – 11:40   Writing/Word Study/Grammar
11:45 -12:10     Lunch
12:15 – 12:30   TDPE (recess)
12:35 – 1:15      Writing/Grammar
1:15 – 2:25         Social Studies/Science
2:25 – 3:15         Specials
3:20                       Dismissal

·         Our specials schedule will rotate daily.  Our class will follow the below rotation:
                Day 1 – PE*
                Day 2–  Art
                Day 3 – Music
                Day 4 – Media/Technology/Counseling
                Day 5 – PE*
* Please remember to wear or bring appropriate shoes for PE.

It's going to be a super year!  Please check back often for updates.  Don't forget to subscribe to the blog (one the right side) , or fill in your emial under "follow by email" in order to get emails when the blog is updated. I think the email option is the most convenient.