Friday, December 9, 2011

December 8

Can you believe there are just 5 more school days until we get out for Christmas break?  WOW!

This last week is a busy one.

For starters, we have benchmark testing next week.  We will take one test per day.  We will be testing from 10-11:00 each day.  These tests will cover all fourth grade material up to this point. These tests are issued by the county, and no study guides are provided.

My math group will take their first division test on Wednesday.  Please work with your child before the test. Some students had not really mastered basic division, which of course is causing a delay in learning long division.  If your child is struggling with basic division or with the steps of long division, I would suggest you practice multiple problems this weekend.  We will continue with with division after the break.

Students will test on The Road to the Revolution/Colonies Unite next Thursday. A study guide has already gone home and should be studied each night.  Students are also coming home with a weekend social studies assignment.  They are to reread chapter 8 and complete two workbook pages.  Thiis is due Monday.

Our holiday party is Friday from 1-2:15.  If you would like to check your child out after the party, I will have a sign out sheet in the classroom.  A huge thanks to Savannah's mom (room mom )for planning all of the festivities.  A thanks also to parents for sending in the items that were requested via email.  Your help is always appreciated. 

There will not be a spelling test next week, so there is no homework in spelling.  Please do look for homework in other subject areas.

Enjoy the weekend.

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Math Test Moved

In my latest blog, I stated that our math test would be Thursday of this week for my math group.  This is being moved to Friday, as I failed to realize that our Colonial speaker would interfere with our math time.

Multiplication Test #3 is on Friday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Week of Nov. 28

I hope each of you had a very happy Thanksgiving break.  The time between now and Christmas break will go by very quickly.  With that said, there is a great deal of curriculum to cover between now and the end of this nine weeks.

What's happening this week?

We will have a pronoun quiz on Thursday We are reviewing in class Wednesday.  Students will be bringing home a couple of workbook pages to use as a study guide this evening.  Pronouns are also taught in third grade, so hopefully each of the kids will do well.

In social studies, we are starting with the French and Indian War and will learn about the "Road to the Revolution" before we get out for Christmas break.  This is a LOT of information, so you will see more homework coming home in social studies in order to review and reinforce what we have talked about in class.  Most students find this very interesting.  We will not test on this until the middle of the week the last week before we break.  

This week on Wednesday we will have a guest speaker in the media center.  He will be speaking on Colonial America. 

In reading we are studying steps in a process.  A fun project at home would be to bake something with your child.  Let them follow the steps.  Talk about why we follow the designated order.

Our Christmas party the last day before we break (Friday).  More information will come from our room mom.  I know the kids will have lots of fun.

In math we are  finishing up our studies of two and three digit multiplication.  We will test on Thursday of this week.  This will be our third multiplication test.  We will then move onto long division.  We will not be spending a lot of time on basic division, as kids are supposed to have mastered that in third grade.  If you know your child struggles, please spend extra time at home working on basic facts.

Benchmark tests will be the last week before break.  We will take one test each day just like we have done in the past. 

Have a super week!

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

13 Colonies Study Material

Yesterday, we went over a lot of study material in class.  Your child is also bringing home a 'parent signature' sheet for you to sign each night showing that your child studied. I will be checking this daily on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Please have them bring their study packet back each day to school and we will be adding to it.  They will then bring it back home in order to study for that night. Below is some more study information that will go along with a sheet we will be working on in class today.  You can print this off and work with your child.  Also, this will be good incase your child leaves their study materials at school.

Study Material:

You need to know what state makes up each colony!

The reasons Europeans migrated to North America:
1. Religious Freedom- They wanted to be able to practice their own beliefs
2.  To search for a better life, job, and own land- Life was hard in Europe, and many people wanted new opportunities
3.  The King of England wanted to control the new land in North America- He wanted to have more power

The following examples helped model our government today:

  1. The Iroquois League
2.    The Mayflower Compact
3.    House of Burgesses

Things to know about the colonies:

New England (Colonies: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island)
  • Tried to remain a part of the Church of England
  • They followed the Mayflower Compact and celebrated Thanksgiving
  • Poor, rocky soil not good for farming
  • Long cold winters and short summers
  • The economy included whaling and fishing because they lived near the ocean.
  • Had many forests, so they had shipbuilding in order to be able to fish in the ocean.
  • Produced wood from the forest & furs from many of the animals with thick coats for the harsh winters
  • The Puritans’ first settlement in North America was the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Middle (Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania)
  • Were known as the “Breadbasket Colonies” because they grew a lot of grains.
  • Had the best climate and soil that was perfect for farming
  • The Delaware River and Philadelphia were very important to this colony. They had good harbors.
  • Religious Toleration and cultural borrowing were celebrated in this colony
  • Mostly grew staple crops for them and their communities to eat.
  • Trading was very important and they had many shops

Southern (Colonies: Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland)
  • Had large farms or plantations where they grew tobacco as well as food. Had mostly cash crops that they sold for profit.
  • Had “buffer zones” to protect the other colonies from the Spanish in Florida.  
  • This colony was made for debtors who could not pay their taxes in England.
  • The Virginia Company of London helped create the House of Burgesses. Only white free men who owned property were allowed to vote for representatives in the House of Burgesses.
  • Had the longest growing season, mild winters and fertile soil for growing crops
  • Economy included cash crops like wheat, tobacco, rice & cotton
  • Rural life (opposite of living in the city) was most common in the southern colonist
  • The first permanent settlement in Georgia was Savannah
James Oglethorpe was the man that started the Georgia colony.  He brought debtors (people that owed a lot of money and were in jail for it) from England to begin the Georgia colony.

William Penn was a Quaker who started the Pennsylvania colony.

The Mayflower Compact was a list of rules made by the first colonist to help them get along.  It helped the Puritans and strangers establish rules. This helped lead to American self-government.

Jamestown was the first successful English settlement in America.

Squanto was a Native American that helped the fist colonists survive.

The colonist stole the Native Americans’ land and gave them many diseases.

The Iroquois League was when 5 Native American tribes gathered together to solve disputes among the tribes without violence.

The Toleration Act gave religious freedom to all Christians in Maryland.

The Plantation System was a large farm broken into many pieces. Slaves worked and farmed the land.

The Halfway Covenant provided limited membership in the Puritan Church.

The House of Burgesses was the legislature in Virginia where colonists elected members to represent them

Penn’s idea for government was called the Frame of Government It said all citizens are to be treated fairly. It also gave people freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Since many colonists moved to the colonies for religious freedom, many of the things they created had to do with religious issues. Some of these are:
1.       Toleration Act in which all Christians in Maryland were given religious freedom.
2.       Frame of Government which was written by Penn and gave citizens freedom of religion.
3.       Halfway Covenant that provided limited membership in the Puritan Church.

You also need to be able to tell:

  • The similarities and differences between Jamestown and Plymouth Colonies in terms of location, government, and economy.
  • How the lives of Native Americans changed as people moved to the 13 colonies
 Thank you!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 14

This is a busy week at Burnette!

For starters, we will be completing our studies of the Colonies.  Students will test on Thursday, November 17th. This is going to be a test that includes LOTS of information.  I will be very forward and say that if your child does not study EACH night this week for this test, they will not do well.  Your child has a copy of the thirteen colonies in their journal.  They were already supposed to be bringing this home to study.  They need to know which states make up each of the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.  They will start bringing home study material tomorrow night (Monday, November 14th).  They are going to need a parent to quiz them on the material.  The study materials sent home are taken directly from the test, so please use these materials to help your child study.  Each night, more study material will be sent home, so that by Wed. night, you will have all materials for a final review before Thursday's test.  Once again, it is going to be important that your child study each night.

In math we are moving on to two digit by two digit multiplication.  For those few students that still have not completely mastered their basic multiplication facts, you will most likely see a decrease in your child's math grade this nine weeks.  It is imperative that your child have these mastered, as this is a second and third grade AKS.  They need to be reviewing them each night.  I have some great websites linked under the 'educational websites' on the blog where your child can go practice each night.  They can also practice division, which is the next topic.  We will not test on two digits until shortly after we return from the break.

The students will take a short quiz on pronouns on Friday. There is not a study guide for this, but we have worked on this in class for the past two weeks.  Feel free to review pronouns with your child at home.

Please look back at last week's blog posting for all of the extra events going on at Burnette this week. 

Have a super week, and don't forget to help review the material for the social studies test. 

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Math Test Moved

The test in Mrs. Phillips' math class has been moved to Friday, November 11th.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Plymouth Webquest

(By Gonzalo Gonzalez & Fitzgerald Richardson)
Used for Educational Purposes

In the 1620,the Mayflower arrived in Plymouth (Present day Massachusetts Bay area). They came from England to seek freedom of religion. Before setting foot on land they drew up the Mayflower Compact. The compact stated that 41 signers would agree on how to make the colony successful and would agree on laws for the colony. The colony later grew too large for them to consult each other, so they chose representatives.

During the first winter many weren't prepared. It was too late to plant crops, so they had to feed on whatever wild game and food they had left from the voyage. Many pilgrims had sod houses that were poorly built. Others sought shelter in caves that were cold and damp. Nearly half of the pilgrims had died of disease or starvation after the first winter, and the others carried on as best as they could.

During the spring, a Pemaquid Indian came to the colony. His name was Samoset. He knew English from sailor he had worked with before. He introduced the pilgrims to a local Wampanoug chief, named Massasoit. The pilgrims and the chief made a treaty of peace. An indian named Squanto was the one who helped the pilgrims the most. He knew english well. In the fall, they had a good harvest, so they set aside a day to give thanks to God. From then on, they celebrated Thanksgiving.

Click HERE to watch the story of Squanto

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Week 13

Wow!  It seems like there is a LOT going on these next couple of weeks.  I hope I can remember to get it all in this newsletter. :-)  I will surely try.

For starters, we will not have our normal math groups on Monday, as the fourth graders will be participating in the on-site field trip though High Tech High Touch.  A letter went home in last Friday's folder.  It should be a lot of fun.

Thanks to those that came to the Technology/Enrichment night.  It sounded like it was a huge success and parents learned a lot.  I am sorry I was not able to be a presenter, but my one year old came down with a fever and I had to leave school early on Thursday. 

Topics of study-  paraphrasing, multiplication, Colonial Times/13 colonies, solar system, pronouns, non-fiction writing.

Tests-  My math group will have their 2nd multiplication test on Thursday of this week.  Some of the topics will include two and three digit multiplication by one digit, distributive property of two digit by two digit multiplication, and multiplying by multiples of ten.  We will be reviewing in class.  We have been working on these skills over the last couple of weeks.

The art fundraiser has started.  You received a baggie of information in the Friday folder. Everything is explained in the packet.   Orders can be filled up until next Friday, November 11th.

"Getting Wild" Cultural Arts Program - November 14th.  I do not know much about this event, but I will let the kids know once I hear more. 

Info from the PTA wellness Committee-The PTA Wellness Committee is kicking off a fun fitness challenge to help everyone stay active as we move from Trick or Treating into the season of eating!  All students are receiving a fitness tracking sheet to record minutes of playing/moving/exercising during the week.  Each student is bringing home a sheet in their Friday folder.   It can be formal exercise, like a team sport practice, or it can be a fun family activity, like dancing, playing Frisbee, running around and playing at a playground.  All physical activity at home (not at school) counts.  Students are to track and record their activities every day, and return the card every Friday for the next six weeks. Since we will be on break the Friday of Thanksgiving week, please turn the card in on Monday immediately after Thanksgiving."

Spelling Bee- The spelling bee will take place on Jan. 3-6.  You will receive information as I receive it.  Until then, there is a spelling word practice sheet that went home in this weeks Friday folder.

Colonial America Presentation We will attend a presentation in the media center on Colonial GA and American Revolution Living History on November 30th from 10:30-11:30.  This goes right along with our Social Studies unit, so the kids should find it very interesting.  I can't wait for this one!!

Holiday Lunch- Our holiday lunch/feast is scheduled for Nov. 16th from 11:40-12:05.  Please see the RSVP note in the school's newsletter.  Send this back in with your child as soon as possible.

HOLIDAY BREAK-  yeah!... we all need a nice break. :-)  November 21-25

I sure hope I included everything, but if not, I will be back to post more.  Have a great weekend.

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 12

Boo!  and Happy Halloween to you.  Monday is Halloween, and I have several fun themed activities planned.  In reading we will be doing "Scaredy Cat Context Clues".  In math we will play a Halloween multiplication board game, and a game called "Don't let Order of Operations SCARE you!"  It should be a fun day.

We have so much going on in the classroom as far as learning goes.  We are continuing our studies of Jamestown and moving into looking at the Pilgrims and settlement at Plymouth.  By the end of the week, we will be looking closely at the differences in the English, Middle, and Southern colonies.  We will test on this unit toward the middle to end of  the week of Nov. 7th.  I will know better by the end of this week when the test will be.

In math, we are continuing our studies of Order of Operations.  We will take a test on Thursday of this week, which is November 3rd. 

In grammar last week , we tested on nouns, and this week we will begin studying pronouns. We will take a short test on this the week of Nov. 7th.

Please note, if you do not see your child's actual test come home in the Friday folder for some time, it is because not all tests have been given.  This would include all tests in  all 4th grade classes.  We use the same tests, and we allow students to retake tests that have failing grades (the scrores are averaged), so it may take some time for the tests to come home. 

Reading this week will consist of studying using context clues to help us better understand what we are reading.

Please check the school's website for important dates.  You may do that by clicking HERE and looking our the main page.  This Thursday is Technology, Intervention, and Enrichment Night starting at 6:15.

Our stock of items for the auction is running low!! Please, please, if you are out and see some cheap trinket stuff, I would appreciate you purchasing some things.  These are just Dollar Store type items.  We have postponed our auction until this Friday to see if we can get some more items before then. Thank you so much for your help with this.

Enjoy your week, and as always, thank you for your support!

Please excuse any typos. Thanks!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week 11


Don't forget.... my math group has their first multiplication test this Monday.  Your child should have brought home a study guide.  We also played review games.  We will continue with multiplication, and we will have two other tests over the next couple of weeks.

In social studies, we will begin our studies of the Colonists.  Our upcoming reading skill is features of non-fiction texts. The science topic is the solar system.  In grammar we will continue with nouns and we will test on this most likely this Thursday.  There is not a study guide for this, as these are review skills that they actually learned in third grade, too.  The noun topics include common, proper, singular, plural, singular possessive, and plural possessive. 

October 27 is picture make-up day. Please have your child let me know if they need a picture form, as not all students will need one.  You can also email me to let me know. You can view other important dates on the school's main web page by clicking HERE.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  The weather is wonderful!!

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Week 10

Wow!  If your child attended the sock hop dance, then you know they had lots of fun!!  I always love seeing my students in that kind of atmosphere, where the structure of the classroom can be removed, and they can just be kiddos. :-)  Also, kudos to the Garland Family (Abigail's parents) because I know they were working the entire night to make the event happen. Daddy Garland was the cool fifties dude on the microphone the whole night, and Mama Garland was the pretty lady decked out in her pink fifties sweater who was running around the whole night.  ... so much fun!  I know many other people helped make the sock hop happen,  but these are the two that I know for sure were from our class.  If any others of you helped out, a huge thanks to you, too!!

We will have two tests coming up.  On Monday, I will be giving the kids an explorer study guide. We will TEST on  Friday, October 21st.  The guide covers details on the six explorers we have studied.  It has LOTS of information.  The kids (and maybe you too) are finding that once you hit 4th grade, social studies covers history with great detail.  I will be the first to tell you that it is a lot of information for their little minds to retain.  The class has really seemed to enjoy this unit.  After explorers, we will move on to colonists. 

In my math class, we are working our way through our next math unit.  Some of the topics that will be on the next test are basic multiplication, factors, multiples, applying multiplication to word problems, and properties of multiplication.  We will complete a study guide in class, and the test will be on Monday, October 24th.  There are also review questions from the last topic of study, including questions on median, mode, and range. The study guide will go home later this week. We will also have two other multiplication tests this nine weeks. They will cover other topics dealing with multiplication, such as two digit by two digit multiplication.

Two other topics of study in the classroom are nouns (common, proper, singular, plural, possessives, etc.) and informational writing.

As we move into this second nine weeks, the students should have a full understanding of what the class and school expectations are.  Because of this, no warnings will be given before choice cards are marked.  I have also gone over this with the kids.  If you would like to talk with your children about this, some expectations to discuss would be:  morning expectations upon arrival (these are also posted on the wall), bathroom behavior (talking), hallway behavior (talking, playful behavior), classroom behaviors (keeping others from learning, goofing off, not engaged in lessons, talking when teacher is teaching, getting up in the middle of lessons, not being prepared with materials, etc.), lunchroom behavior (school rule is to enter cafeteria on silent, walk through the line on silent, and stay on silent when the music in playing, line up silently), and exiting the building on silent in the afternoon as they walk through the halls.  Despite the fact that this seems like lots of 'silent' time, the school does expect silence in lots of situations.  There is also plenty of time in the classroom to work with partners, groups, or simply talking throughout lessons.  There is visiting in the lunchroom when the music is not playing and they have recess each day to visit with friends and play.

Busy... Busy... Busy!!    ....... I have a very busy weekend planned!!  Of course I had the sock hop last night, and my daughter goes to her first high school homecoming tonight... so exciting!!  She and her group of girlfriends are going together for an evening of fun.  In addition, my son has a baseball tournament, which will include a minimum of four games. So, as you can tell, life is very busy for the Phillips' family.

Enjoy your weekend!

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Week 9

Wow!  Can you believe we are 1/4 of the way through the school year? It's hard to believe that 9 weeks has already passed by.  It has been a great year thus far.  I love working with your children each day.  They are well behaved, motivated, and excited about learning.

The students took a benchmark each day this past week, and yes, these do count as a grade (only 4% of the overall average).  You should be able to view their scores on the grade portal.  Unfortunately, we do not send these tests home.  They are signed out to us right before the test begins and then we return them upon completing the test.  Teachers do not view the test ahead of time.  It is a county issued test.

Because of benchmarks, our schedule was completely thrown off.  We actually did not even get out spelling test in on Friday.  We will simply pick up with the next unit on Tuesday.

 I enjoyed seeing each of you at conferences.  I had 100% attendance, which meant I met with 25 families.  I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to come in.

As this next nine weeks begings, we are moving into multiplication.  Remember, your child should have come to 4th grade having mastered their basic multiplication facts with QUICK recall.  I am finding that I do have a handful of students that really need to be practicing these each night at home.  We have already started 2 digit multiplication by one digit and we will soon be moving into two digit by two digit.  Much of this will just be practice, repeat, practice, repeat.... After that, we will move into long division.

We will be spending about two more weeks on Explorers.  Your child will be bringing home a vocabulary study sheet at the end of the week and a few days later, they will bring home a unit study guide.  I will let you know when the tests will be.  Make sure that your child studies the guide when it is sent home.  It is a lot of material, so homework each night should be to look over the material.

Among other things, we have also been working on conjunctions and writing compound sentences. We study prefixes and suffixes daily to help us better understand spelling and word meanings. Our reading topic this week is comparing and contrasting.  Our reader's workshop/guided reading groups are in full swing and the kids are enjoying it. 

In your child's Friday folder this week, they brought home a baggie to collect quarters.  This is for United Way and is a school fund raiser.  Thanks for encouraging your child to participate. 

The book fair was a lot of fun.  They made some great book selections!

WOW!  I think that about covers it for this week.  Enjoy this nice long weekend. 

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 8 - update

This is just a reminder that the students have a test in Science this Thursday on the topic of WEATHER.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 8

Don't forget about early release times for Monday and Tuesday of this week due to conferences.  If you do not remember your conference time, you can call the front office at school and they can remind you of the time.  They have a list of all conference times. Thanks for being on time since conferences are scheduled back-to-back.  I appreciate your understanding.

The students previewed the book fair this past Friday.  Our shopping day is this coming Thursday, October 6th.

This is an extremely busy week at school with conferences, the book fair, AND we have end of the quarter benchmark testing.  Students will take one test each day this week.  These tests will cover material studied this first nine weeks of school.  There are no study guides for these tests, but we will do some review in class to simply as a refresher of the concepts.

Don't forget to check the school's website for other important dates.  Here is a link to the calendar.

This week we will continue our studies of European explorers, as well as review other skills taught this nine weeks.

Please be on the look-out for cheap items that can be added to our auction merchandise.  We will need to work each month to rebuild the stock by the end of the month.  We had our second auction on Friday, and the kids had so much fun.  Thanks for your help with this.

Have a super Sunday.

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week 7

Yeah, Fall is here!!  But did you your kids tell you that our classroom felt like Winter on Friday?  Something is wrong with the air conditioner in our room, and it kept blowing out very cold air despite the fact that the thermostat was set on as high/hot as it would go.  It has been reported to the county, so hopefully they will get the work order and fix it over the weekend.  Just in case, have your child bring a jacket.  Thanks.

Don't forget that the Native American test is Monday.  The kids have had a study guide for a week, so hopefully they have been studying each day. After Native Americans, we will move on to Explorers.  We have six major European explorers to study, and yes, this is a very in depth unit just like the Native Americans. 

We tested on Graphs/Data Analyzing on Friday in math, and we will be moving on to coordinate graphing this week.  This unit only takes a few days, so they will most likely test on Friday.  It's actually a fun little unit.  After that, we will spend a week reviewing all math skills taught this nine weeks in order to prepare for our math benchmark test.  This test will test them over all skills taught this first nine weeks of school, and it does count as a grade.

In your child's Friday folder there is  a conference form.  If your child has a sibling, I met with that child's teacher and we tried to come up with times that were close together in order to help you out.  It is always very hard to schedule 25 conferences.  I thank you for understanding that I have to remain on a schedule for these two days.  Conferences are scheduled for 20 minutes and they can't go over into another time slot.  If one conference goes over just by 5 minutes, it can throw all of the other conferences off for the rest of the day.  I do look forward to meeting with each of you.  Please sign and return the conference form on Monday.

Your child received a Gladiator reading bookmark in their Friday folder two weeks ago. If your child wanted to participate in this, it is due on Sept. 26... THIS Monday.

The book fair is coming to Burnette.  Our preview day is October 3, and our shopping day is October 6.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Please excuse any typos. Thanks!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 6

I am really enjoying this nice weather!  How about you? :-)

In my math class, we have started studying about graphs.  The students have had lots of fun taking surveys, organizing their data, and creating graphs.  We will continue this graphing unit for another week.  We will review at the end of the week and be ready to test on Friday, September 23.. If you would like to help your child look over some graphing information, you can pull up the online textbook.  I put the log-in information on last week's blog posting.

Although we still have two Native American tribes/regions we will be learning about this week, I am going to go ahead and send home the Native American unit study guide this Monday.  We will test on Monday, September 25. This is a unit with LOTS of information, so it would be in your child's best interest to start reviewing now. 

As I mentioned at curriculum night, our spelling studies have changed a bit.  Actually, your child will continue to have the same types of dictation sentences they have had in the past (along with the regular spelling homework on the five words), but there will be ten new words added that include prefixes and suffixes.  This is a new word study program adopted by Gwinnett County.  We will be doing lessons daily on prefixes and suffixes that pertain to these words, but it is their responsibility to study the words throughout the week.  They will be given time to write the words in their agenda book each week.  They will receive the words either Monday or Tuesday of each week.

In science with Mrs. Howell, your child will test on their water and weather vocabulary on Tuesday of next week.  They should have their words and study materials in their journal.

Please continue to send in any Fun Run fundraiser money that you have collected. Way to go to those that have already turned money in. 

We have started receiving our Time Magazine. The kids had fun reading their first issue. It was a blast discussing 'on line school' with the kids, as this was the topic of the featured front page article.  

Soon you will be receiving information about conferences, so please be on the lookout for all the details.

Please remind your child that our media center day is every Monday.  This is a weekly opportunity to renew a book or check out a new one.  We go as a class once a week, because there simply aren't many opportunities for students to go individually. 

Does your child know all of their multiplication facts?  Do they have quick recall with them?  If not, please work with your child each night using flashcards.

I think I have covered all of the important tidbits of information for the week.  If I remember anything, I will come back and post again.  Have a great rest of the weekend!

Please excuse any typos.  Thanks!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Week 5

The kids had a great time at the Fun Run!  Thanks so much for helping your children get pledges for their efforts.  You can send this money in any time until the end of the month. 

Progress reports went home Friday.  Please sign and return these on Monday.  Please look through the folder for any other papers that need to be signed and returned. 

Last Thursday, your child should have brought home a study guide for their subject/predicate test, which they will take on Monday.  Please take time time to review this topic with your child.

For my math class......You are  going to see multiplication timed activities averaged in with their math grades. The students are given 30 problems and they have 5 minutes to complete them.  For the most part, the students have done great. Please remember, your child is supposed to have mastered the times tables in third grade.  They actually start learning them in second grade.  These weekly activities can really hurt a math average if your child receives several failing grades, so if your child is struggling with quick recall of their multiplication facts, please help them study EACH NIGHT.  Just spending five minutes a night doing flash cards can make a huge difference.

If you would like to view the math or social studies textbook online, I have created an account.  The log in information is: username: 4phillips  password:math    The link for the websites can be found on the school's web page.

Topics of Study
Types of sentences
Native Americans (different regions/tribes)
Reader's response
Character Traits
Themes of Stories
....much more

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  The weather is beautiful!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Three Day Weekend- week 4

Yeah!  It's so nice to have a 3 day weekend.  Enjoy this time with your children.

The kids had so much fun with the first auction.  I hope to do this at the end of each month.  In order for it to work though, I will need ongoing donations.  Those of you that have donated items already, they were all perfect, so keep them coming.  We have one month to build the stock back up, so if you see cheap items, go ahead and grab them.  A great place can be Target's dollar section, which is located right when you walk in their front door.  Sometimes they mark this section 75% off, and things can get really cheap. You can send in items all through the month.

Now that I have every one's individual reading level figured out, we are ready to get Reader's workshop into full swing.  This means that I will be working and conferencing with students in small groups and individually.  We will also begin working on reading strategies.  This is ongoing throughout the year, and includes topics such as questioning the text, connecting with the text, and visualizing the text (among many others).

Other topics of study include:  character traits, Native Americans, estimation, sentence structure, sustained silent writing, memories for writing (we share 3-4 memory bags a day), water cycle, and many others

NOTE:  My math group will test on estimation and rounding this coming Friday

Remember, we do have a fundraiser going on.  Your child brought home all of the information and the collection envelope in last Friday's folder.  Thanks for your support in helping your child get donations.  We are scheduled to have our Fun Run on September 9.

In this Friday's folder, you will find an information request sheet for our class directory.  Thank you for filling this out and returning it on Monday.

If your child signed up for a club, I also included any club information I received. 

Please take the time to look through your child's papers.  If your child did not do well on an assignment, I will sometimes  put a sticker at the top requesting that you sign and return it. I like to keep these papers on file just incase your child shows a pattern of struggling.  This can be very helpful in conferencing about struggles, as well as helping me keep track of specific skills your child is need extra help with. 

I am really enjoying this group of kids, and I feel like we are having a great year.  Enjoy your weekend. 

Pleae excuse any typos.  Thank you!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week Three

I can't believe we are moving into the fourth week of school.... where does time go? It was another super week in the classroom.

It was great seeing many of you at Curriculum Night.  If you were not able to make it, I understand and will look forward to seeing you soon. 

If you attended Curriculum Night, I provided you with a sheet where you could make a donation to the classroom to help with the cost of me purchasing each child a subscription to Time Magazine for Kids.  On the sheet, I said you could pay with cash OR write a check to Burnette.  I need to correct that.  In talking with our bookkeeper, it is going to be best if you send the $4.50 in CASH.  This has something to do with me already having ordered the magazine and the school not being able to now write a check for it out of school funds.  Please do not feel obligated to make a donation, as your child will receive the magazine regardless.  For those that have given money, I do appreciate  it.  

In your child's Friday folder, you will find a fundraiser envelope.  Please review the information.  We had a pep rally on Friday to kick off the fundraiser, so I think the kids are pretty excited.  Your children benefit in so many ways from the money that is raised, so I thank you for encouraging them to participate by getting pledges from family and friends.

Some Topics of Study
* Finished US Land Features (TEST on Wednesday of next week)
* Starting Native Americans
* Starting Rounding/Estimating
* Water Cycle (with Mrs. Howell)
* Subject/Predicate, types of sentences
* Reader's workshop- Responding to literature, Character Traits
* Much More

Please note that your child was instructed to bring home their SS journal this weekend to start studying the vocabulary and locations of important land features.  They were also instructed to write this in their agenda book. 

I would still love any donations towards our Token Economy auction.  It has been postponed one more week due to lack of donations.  Please send in any trinkets or Dollar Store items that you think would be of interest to a child. Next Friday, we will plan to do it regardless of donations, there just simply won't be many items to bid on.  It is a lot of fun, so I am looking forward to the first auction!!

Please help your child to remember that our media center day is MONDAY of each week.  Because we go as a class, there will not be many opportunities to go individually.  Students have been taught methods of choosing 'just right' books, so they need to be utilizing those when selecting books.  Because we have sustained silent reading each day, students need to have a chapter book.  They can select this book from the media center, the public library, home, or my class library.  I have books for all reading levels in my class.... even up to sixth-seventh grade and as low as first and second grade, so there is something for everyone. There is never an excuse to not have a book. 

A new spelling page has been added to the class blog.  When you click on the link, you will see the fourth grade words that your child is responsible for this year.  In addition, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will see words from first-third grades.  These are the words your child should have already mastered.  The kids usually enjoy the activities for each unit, so let your students try them out.

Have a great weekend, and if I have forgotten anything, I will come back and post again.

Please excuse any typos. Thank you!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Sweet Second Week

We have had a terrific second week of school.  Lots is happening in the classroom.

Important Dates 
Pictures- August 24th
Curriculum Night -August 25th (PTA starts at 6:30)
Media Center- We visit each Monday.

Upcoming Tests
Place Value- most likely THURSDAY.
Spelling Tests on Fridays.
The next SS test will be on US Land Features/Forms

Topics of Study
Setting up reader's and writer's workshop
Map Skills
Landforms/Features of US

Weekly Folders
Please review the papers in the Friday folder.  Although there are two pockets inside the Friday folder, I tend to use only one.  It is much easier when filing papers to simply put everything in one pocket.  Thanks for understanding.  With that said, you will find papers that need to be signed, forms that need to be filled out, as well as work that we have completed.  If a child has received a poor grade, a graded paper may need to be signed and returned.  I thank you for going over the papers carefully. 

In this week's folder, you will find things like picture form, clubs offered to 4th graders, money form to order a recorder for music, a communication sheet about email addresses, and a few other things. 

You will also find the choice card.  This needs to be initialed and returned on Mondays.

Token Economy
Our choice cards are directly related to our Token Economy. Our token economy is where kids earn 'money' to use towards purchasing things in an auction setting.  I hope to do our first auction in the next week or two depending on how many donations I receive.  I have not received many donations, although I have purchased a few things myself.  We simply need more in order to get it started.  If you are at the Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, or Target, or where ever else you think you can find cheap items, I would greatly appreciate any donations. 

Math Classes
Your child should have brought home a note earlier in the week stating who their math teacher is.

Science/Social Studies
Mrs. Howell (another 4th grade teacher) and I now team for social studies and science.  I will be teaching social studies to her homeroom and mine, and she will teach science to both classes.  It has worked nicely for the first few days.

Please check your child's agenda for upcoming tests. A study guide will typically be provided for tests.
We pretty much test every Friday for Spelling.

For spelling tests, students are given 5 new words per week.  The tests actually include more than 5 words.  Please note that the 5 new words are actually new 4th grade words (introduced in 4th grade).  The other words were actually introduced in the third grade using the same spelling program. Therefore, they should have already mastered those words. For now, the words are given as a dictation test.

Your child may not have homework every night. He/she is given a spelling sheet at the beginning of the week and it is due on Friday.  They will probably have math several times a week and possible some SS or science here or there.  They will also need to study for upcoming tests as the dates are given out.

Remember, please subscribe to this blog, so you will get emails when I update it. 

Have a super weekend.  I am looking forward to spending it with my family.

Please excuse any typos.  Thank you!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Awesome First Week

Wow!  The school year is off to a great start.  I am so pleased with the students' behavior and desire to learn.  They have been active participants in the classroom lessons and seem to be excited about the school year.  Of course, this makes it fun for me.

What have we done this week?  Here are a few of the activities:

We have been busy bees!

  • Learned the rules and procedures for 4th grade
  • Set up our reader's notebook
  • Got 5 new spelling words and weekly homework, Tested on Friday
  • Reviewed place value, will continue with this next week.
  • Discussed vocabulary for maps and globes, continue next week.
  • Introduction to our unit on water
  • Learned how morning work procedures work- review of grammar skills
  • Beginning of the year writing assessment
  • Beginning of the year math benchmark
  • Beginning of the year reading benchmark
  • Beginning of the year language arts benchmark
  • Reading Calendar expectations
  • Agenda book expectations
  • MUCH more!
Thank you so much for supporting me in using the nightly reading calendar.  This is a great way to hold students accountable for nightly reading. Please sign it Monday-Thursday nights along with the agenda book. 

In addition to the reading calendar, I ask that you also sign the agenda book.  In the agenda book you will be able to see some of the topics we studied for the day. The students write this in the specific subject areas. In the white box at the bottom of the page, you will see homework for the night.

The first Friday folder went home today.  Please sign and return the choice card located inside the folder, and send the folder back on Monday. Inside the Friday folder you will see a vocabulary study sheet for our upcoming map test.  The test will be next Thursday.  We are still working on the unit, but the students can be studying at home while we finish.  You will also find a "Memory Bag" parent letter in the folder. 

I am looking for donations for our upcoming auction. This is the reward that goes along with our classroom economy system.  The items can be any kind of trinket that kids would like.... candy, small toys, pencils, erasers, stickers, notepads, basically a range of Dollar Store type items.  Thank you for helping with this. 

Just to let you know, if you subscribe to this blog using the email subscription on the sidebar to the right, you will be sent an email when I update the blog. :-)

I think that about sums things up. Once again, we had a super first week of school.  I am looking forward to a very successful school year.

Please excuse any typos. Thank you!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Meet Your Teacher Day

It was very nice meeting you at "Meet Your Teacher Day".  I appreciate you taking the time to come in and do all of the necessary paperwork.  The one plus for this year was the online registration.  This saved each of you a lot of time, and I heard many positive remarks about that system.

I hope you have had time to look through all of the papers I sent home with you on registration day.  Of course, if you are already visiting this website, it's probably because you found the web address in the paperwork I sent home.  :-)  In addition to the welcome packet from me, I hope you found the first assignment for your child.  He/she is supposed to bring in pictures to decorate their writer's notebook.  These are due by Wed. of the first week of school.  Thanks so much for helping with this.

For the last several years, I have used a blog type website to share classroom news with parents. I plan to do the same this year.  Basically, this sort of goes along with Burnette being a paperless school.  The weekly blog postings will serve as the class newsletter, as well as a means for me to communicate to parents throughout the week if I feel it necessary.  I would recommend that you subscribe to the blog so you will know when updates have been made. Please visit often in order to stay updated on the classroom happenings.

I am looking forward to a happy and successful school year.... one that is filled with lots of learning!

Please excuse any typos.  Thank you!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Meet Mrs. Phillips

click on image to enlarge

B.S., Ed Early Childhood Education
M.S., Ed- Early Childhood Education with a focus on Reading and Literacy

I have been married for 18 years and have 3 children. My husband is 
a teacher at Mill Creek High School. He is also the head girls' basketball 
coach.(GO LADY HAWKS!)My daughter(Madison)is 15. My older son 
(Gibson)is 13, and Baby Boy Phillips (Hudson) is 2.

I started teaching 18 years ago. I have taught in many capacities: 
special ed, fourth grade classroom teacher, third grade classroom teacher, Title 1 teacher working with grades 3-5,and Early 
Intervention teacher working with fourth grade

web design, painting, walking/running, planting flower gardens, looking for 
golf balls on the golf course (actually I do this because my kids love it), 
outside time, crafts, going to basketball games, family, teaching, so much 

Interesting Tidbits of Info:
**I love to watch HGTV and the Food Network. 
**I don't like to go to the movies. If you ask me if I have seen a certain 
movie, the answer will probably be "Nope".
**My brother is a doctor with the Air Force.
**My sister is a police officer.
**My favorite food is salad. I's boring, but I love a good salad.
**My favorite color is green.
**I am sure you will learn so much more about me. :-)