Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2

Wow!  Can you believe it is already December?  Unbelievable!

Despite the fact that we  only have 2.5 weeks left until we get out for the winter break, we have lots to cover. 

OREOS are needed for Science... if you can send some in for Miss Howell, that would be great.  Thanks!!

Reading:  Finishing up our studies of Greek Myths and how phrases in our texts today allude to words used in Greek Mythologies.  We will also start focusing on reading closely, inferring while reading, and providing evidence from text to support our thinking.

Grammar and Writing:  Finishing up parts of speech- we have been working on this for the past couple of weeks.  Students wrote in their agenda books last week that we will take a short test on Monday (December 3).  The test will be sentences with a word underlined.  The students will need to identify if the word is a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, or preposition.  We will then be moving to to focus on nouns that show ownership, which are called possessive nouns.

Word Study:
Root: auto- Definition: self

automobile, autograph, automat, autobiography, autoharp, autopilot, automatic, autocrat, autobiographer, autohypnosis

Fry Words: flowers, forest, friends, general, happy
Social StudiesPhillips and  Howell's class will take their Colonies test on Friday, December 7th.  Students have had access to the study notes on the website for over a month.  They have been encouraged to study daily.  In addition, they will complete a study guide in class, as well as having notes in their journals.  Click on the link to the left for study guides if you would like to print the materials.  The main topics of this test include information dealing with Jamestown, Plymouth, and the 13 colonies.  It is a LOT of info., and I am sure you have figured out the SS content is a lot every nine weeks.  Studying each night is my best suggestion to you and your kids.  I tell them this all the time.  Thank you for working with your child to help reinforce the teachings from class.  :-)
Science: Earth, Sun, and Moon
Test Friday, December 7th (Howell and Phillips)

  • Thursday, December 13th: PTA/4th grade chorus performs @ 6:30
  • Wednesday, December 18th: Holiday Party 1:00-2:15
  • December 20th-January 2nd: Winter Break
  • Thursday, January 2nd: Students return to school


    Monday, November 26, 2012

    Test Updates

    I have decided to move the social studies test vocabulary test to later in the week.
    Both Howell and Phillips will take it on November 30, this Friday.

    Friday, November 16, 2012

    November 16

    I hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

    When we get back from the break.......

    Writing and Grammar - We will finish up with parts of speech (adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, and pronouns) and we will move on to prepositions.

    Writing - We will work on informational writings, along with some holiday writings.

    Word Study:
    Root: per- Definition: through, thorough(ly)
    permeate, percolate, perforate, persist, perfect, permanent, perspective, perfume, perspiration, permit
    Fry Words: yellow, famous, father, figure, fingers
    Social Studies - Continue with Colonization.  We have already covered Jamestown and Plymouth. We have moved into comparing and contrasting the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.  Please see the study guides found by clicking on the 'study guide' link on the left side of this web page. 
    In social studies, my class will have a Colonies vocabulary quiz the Tuesday we come back from the break, and Mrs. Howell's class will have one the Wed. after the break.  All students have a list of the vocabulary in their journals, but this can also be found by clicking on the study guide link.
    Science- (with Howell)  Earth, Sun, and Moon
    Math - (Phillips' math class) - pick back up with our fraction unit.  We will be ready to test on the first fractions test on Thursday after we return from the Thanksgiving break.  Students will receive a study guide.  We will then move on to part 2 of our fraction unit. 

    Friday, November 2, 2012

    November 2

    Red Ribbon week has been a lot of fun.  I enjoyed seeing everything from the crazy socks to the backwards shirts.  :-)

    Reading Skill: Cause and Effect Relationships
    Writing: Parts of Speech
    Math: Fractions- greatest common factor, least common multiple

    Greek and Latin Roots: trans-= “across, change” (transplant, transfusion, transpose, transfer, transport, transform, transmit, transfer, transgression, transit)
    Social Studies: Colonies

    Science:  Solar System-  earth, moon, sun. Please see the link for Miss Howell's class for more detailed information.

    STUDY GUIDES FOR SOCIAL STUDIES-  I have added study guides to the  study guide section of this class blog.  Although we have just started this unit, it is never too early to start having discussions about the topics.  Please utilize this resource, as many teachers do not give out study guides this early.  Take advantage of this!!  Thank you. 

    There are several fliers coming home in Friday folders.  Please look through them to see if you would like to fill any out and return to school. 

    You are also getting artwork that your child designed.  There is information about ordering the artwork.  Please return this as soon as possible, and I will pass it along to the art teacher. 

    Monday, October 22, 2012

    October 21

    Topics of Study-

    Reading: Point of View; Compare and Contrast 

    Writing: Opinion
    Quotation Marks/Fragments and Run-On Sentences - Test: October 26th (Friday)
    Word Study: Root: trac, tract = pull, draw, drag
    tractor, contract, retract, attract, subtract, extract, detract, distraction, attractive, retract
    Fry Words: crops, decimal, developed, attractive, retract
    Word Study Test and Daily Grade on Friday

    Science - Solar System
    Phillip's class: Vocabulary Test Monday 10/22
    Explorers Test - October 31 - See thevstudy guide section to the left for a copy of the study guide.  Your child also has a copy we are completing in class.

    Math test for Phillips' Class - Wednesday, October 24

    Monday, October 15, 2012

    Sunday, Oct. 14

    Word Study: Root: terr= land, ground, earth
    terrain, Mediterranean, terrace, terrarium, subterranean, extraterrestrial, territory, terrier, Terre Haute,
    Fry Words: continued, copy, cotton, course, cows
    Word Study Test and Daily Grade on Friday

    Social Studies-  We will take our vocabulary test this Friday, Oct. 19th.  I had planned to give this a week ago, but with our interim testing last week, scheduling changes, etc. I just didn't feel we were ready. All students have the vocabulary in their journals.  You can also print this from the study guide section here on the class website.

    Math-  We are working on dividing up to a 4-digit dividend by a one digit divisor.  We will most likely test on this on October 21.  Please continue to work on basic division and multiplication facts at home. Accuracy is also an important factor. 

    Science- Phillip's class: Vocabulary Test Monday 10/22

    Progress reports were sent home in Friday folders.  Please make sure you sign and retun the envelope as soon as possible.  Thank you. 

  • Tuesday, October 16th: Math/Technology Night @ 6:15

  • Monday, October 1, 2012

    Social Studies Study Guides

    We are just starting  our unit on explorers.  Please start looking over the study notes with your child.  Look under the 'study guide' link to the left to print these out.  Your child will get one in the near future.

    Sunday, September 30, 2012

    September 29

    Math - My math class will have their 2nd multiplication test on Thursday of this week.

    Grammar - Finish up with types of sentences.  We worked on this last week, too.  Students will take a test on the 4 types of sentences this Wednesday. There is not a study guide for grammar tests.

    Word Study - This is a review week.  No new words will be introduced.

    October 1st and 2nd: Parent/Teacher Conferences; Early Release Dismissal at 12:5), Book Fair Preview
    October 1st- October 4th: Book Fair purchase
    October 2nd: Reading/ELA Interim
    October 3rd: Science Interim
    October 5th: Fun Run
    October 9th: Math Interim
    October 10th: Social Studies Interim

    Sunday, September 23, 2012

    Friday Movie Day Treats Needed

    UPDATE-  as of Tuesday we have popcorn being sent in by Nicholas P and Daniel, and candy being sent in by Keevin.  We still need 1 more person to send in 5 bags of already popped popcorn.  Thanks.

    We have our movie day this coming Friday. I will need 15 bags of microwave popcorn already popped sent in Friday morning. In addition, I will need a bag of small Hershey bars (32 bars). We have enough drinks left from last time. Any volunteers? It would be great to get 3 people to each send in 5 bags of popped popcorn and 1 person to send in the candy. Please send me an email at if you can help out. I will then come back and post here when we have it all taken care of. Thanks so much for your help! :-)

    September 22

    The Native American test has been moved up to Thursday of this week.  It was originally scheduled for Friday, but due to the movie reward day we had to move it up a day.  The kids were told about this last week, so hopefully they passed that information along. 

    Word Study: Root: voc-, voke-, voice- = voice, call
    vocal, convoke, revoke, invoke, vocabulary, vocalize, convocation, vocation, avocation, multivocal

    Fry Words: building, business, carefully, cells, cents
    Word Study Test and Daily Grade on Friday

    My math group will have their first multiplication test on Wednesday of this week.  We will review in class.

    Conference schedules went home this week in Friday folders.  Please make sure you sign and return that on Monday. For those of you that got a form from me earlier in the week, thank you for returning it, and I have you down for the scheduled time. 

    The book fair will be arriving this week.  Our preview day is Monday, October 1, and our purchase day is Thursday, October 4.  A brochure went home in Friday folders. 

    This Friday is the PTA Disco Night... come out and have fun! 


    Tuesday, September 18, 2012

    Native American Test

    Our Native American Test is scheduled for Friday, September 28th.  Hopefully you have already clicked on the study guide link I posted a few weeks ago to start studying.  If not, please do so.  This study guide has the answers filled in.  Your child has one from class that does not have the answers.  We work on that together in class.  Thank you.

    Monday, September 17, 2012

    September 15

    Simple and Compound Sentences Test Monday, Septmeber 24th
    Water and Weather Vocabulary Test Wednesday, September 19th
    Native American Test is projected for Wednesday, September 26th. It may be moved to Friday of that week if needed. Please see the study guide on the website under the study guide section.
    Word Study: Root- audi, audit = hear, listen
    audit, audition, auditorium, audible, audience, auditor, audiovisual, audiotape, audiolingual, audiocassette
    Fry Words: better, birds, bones, branches, broken
    Word Study Test and Daily Grade on Friday
    Math: Chapter 5 Basic Multiplication Facts and Cahpter 7 Multiplying 1- and 2- Digit Numbers,  Factors and Multiples, Properties (Identity, Zero, Commutative, Associative, Distributive)
    You will be receiving information about conferences.  I will be planning to start the 20 minute conferences the week of September 24th.  I will try to get all students that do not have siblings during this week and will try to coordinate sibling conferences with your other child's teacher for the regular conference days.  I thank you for understanding that this is due to the number of students we have this year.  With 32 kids, it is simply not possible to hold all conferences on the scheduled half days. 


    Friday, September 14, 2012

    Water and Weather Test

    Science Test- Water and Weather Vocabulary Test next Wednesday the 17th

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    September 9

    Wow!! We are half way through the first nine weeks.

    Word Study for next week:

    Review of im-, de-, in-, col-, com-, and pro words
    immigrate, deemphasize, inmate, collusion, decode, collapse, proclaim, insert, combine, and propel

    Fry Words: become, began, behind, believe, below

    On Monday, my math class will be testing on rounding an estimating sums and differences.  We will then move into multiplication.  This will be multiplying up to four digits by 1 digit and then two digit by two digit.

    Science: Weather

    Social Studies: Native Americans 
    Reading: non-fiction text structure and text features
    Writing/Grammar: responding to non-ficion texts in writing,   Simple and Compound Sentences

    Signed progress reports are due back on Monday.
    Upcoming Events:
    9/27- Book Fair
    9/28- Burnette Disco
    10/01 and 10/02- Parent /Teacher Conferences, Early Release


    Monday, September 3, 2012

    September 2, 2012

    I hope you enjoyed the long relaxing weekend.  I know I did. :-)

    The students really enjoyed the reward movie Friday this past Friday.  We will do that again at the end of September. Students are able to earn the movie based on their behavior.  They also earn popcorn, candy, and a beverage if they maintain good behavior/turn in work and homework throughout the 4 week period. At the end of the month, if a student has no checks in their choice card then they will earn popcorn, a drink, and a piece of candy. If they have 2 checks then they will earn popcorn and a drink. 4 checks will be popcorn only. 5, 6, 7, and 8 checks are the movie only (no extra treats). If they have more than 8 checks then they will not earn the reward and will be working during the movie instead

    What's happening in the classroom?

    We will finish up our studies of subject and predicate this week.  Students will take a test on this topic this Thursday. Fourth grade does not issue separate study guide for this test, but the topics students must be familar with are identifying simple and complete subjects and predicates.  A few sheets went home in last Friday's folder, and we will do a few more activities this week.

    Word Study
     Root: pro- Definition: forward, for
    promote, progress, proceed, propeller, proclaim, pronoun, pro-war, product, proverb, profess

    Fry Words: apple, arms, around, away, became
    My math class will finish up our studies of using rounding to estimate sums and differences.  They will complete a study guide on Wednesday and test on Friday of this week.
    Please make sure you are reviewing all items sent home in Friday folders.  I do not separate the papers to the two different sides of the folder because it simply takes too much time with 32 kids.  I would ask that you look through the items and if I have stamped in red a 'please sign and return to Mrs. Phillips' that you go over that paper with your child and return it in the Friday folder on Monday.  I keep these in a file to monitor your child's progress on the given skill.  I stamp anything under a 70.
    We are starting a new Native American  unit in Social Studies.  I have placed a study guide on the blog.  Please click in the study guide section to the left  of this post to find that.  A test date has not been given, but it is never too early to begin studying.
    Progress reports will go home this Friday. 
    Have a super week. :-)


    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    Science Test

    Students will have a Water test on Wednesday, September 5th. All students have a completed study guide in their journal. 

    Monday, August 27, 2012

    Need Popcorn and Drinks

    Hi-  Our movie day is this Friday.  I placed a treat sign up form on the blog this past Friday in hopes of getting the items sent in by Wednesday (popcorn on Friday).  We are still in need of 2 people to sign up for sending in 12 Sprites and 2 people to send in 5 bags of popped popcorn (send that in on Friday). 

    Unfortunately, if we can't get it covered with donations, we will only have the movie and no popcorn or drinks.  Thank you so much for your help. 

    If interested, please either email me directly or use the Friday Treat sign up form on the blog.

    Thanks again!   

    Saturday, August 25, 2012

    August 25

    It has been a great week!  It's hard to believe that next week will be our fourth week of school.  Where does time go?

    Thank you to those that were able to attend curriculum night.  I enjoyed seeing you again.  For those that could not attend, I understand that we all have busy lives and sometimes schedules just don't allow for everything. 

    Don't forget that my class will take their land feature/maps and globes test this coming Thursday.  Ms. Howell's class  will take it on Wednesday.  We will review on Monday and Tuesday. Your child's journal is their 'study guide'. 

    In my math class, we tested on place value and we are moving on to rounding numbers.  We will most likely be ready to test a week from Monday.  If your child has another teacher for math, please visit their blogs, as they probably have updates posted.

    Poor classroom behaviors have not been a problem this year, but we have had a lot of talking in the halls and bathrooms.  Thank you for helping remind your child about this school rule.  Please review your child's choice card each weekend for their behaviors from the last week.  You can see how your child performed in the areas of work habits and conduct.

    You will now start to see work come home in the Friday folders.  If your child ever receives a failing grade, I will place a 'sign and return' stamp or sticker on it.  Please review the paper with your child, and then send it back in.  I place these in a file, so that I have a place of reference for skills your child has struggled with.  This helps me know what to review with them, as well as provides the necessary documentation if we start thinking there is a more in-depth learning issue that we need to address. 

    Your child can take home their word work journal throughout the week in order to study the Greek and Latin roots.  We test on Friday.  The matching definition part is a class grade, and the dictation sentences with high-frequency words is counted as a test grade. We have now had 2 of these tests.

    Encourage your child to show you some of the cursive they have been working on.  We practice a letter a day.

    Word work words: 
    Root: de- Definition: down, off of
    Fry Words:

    Don't forget to review the links on the side of the blog. 

    Also, stay up to date on the school happenings by reading the school email blast.  I have put a link to the side that will take you straight to the school's page that lists those newsletters.

    Please do 'subscribe by email' to this class blog.  You will be emailed my blog updates.  It will not email you the page updates, which are the links on the left, but it will include these main blog messages.

    Have a super weekend.  I am looking for another wonderful week with your child. 


    Friday, August 24, 2012

    Friday Treats for Aug 31

    As of yet, I do not have a room parent volunteer.  If you are interested in this position, please let me know.  I had one parent interested in assisting the room parent, but I don't have anyone who will take on the leader position.  How about it?  :-)

    With that said, I will be the one asking for the treats we will need for the last Friday of each month.  In order to try and make it easier on me, I have added a form where you can let me know if you are interested in sending in treats for next Friday.  I will check the form over the next day or so and see who may have volunteered to send in an item.  I will then post to let you know who will be sending in items.  If we have many volunteers and I don't need to use you this go round, please know that I will be posting other sign up forms toward the end of each month. 

    Thank you so much for helping to make it a success.

     There is a link to the left side of the blog titled 'Friday Treats' or you can click HERE to be taken directly to that link.

    Thanks again!

    Friday, August 17, 2012

    August 17

    School Newsletter-    If for some reason you are not getting the school newsletter via email, please check your SPAM folder.  This is a message from the front office  :-)

    Weekly Folders-  There are quite a few papers in your child's Friday folder to be signed and returned.  Please look through those papers carefully.  Some of the important papers include a recorder order form, school club information, a Scholastic Weekly News order form, and more.

    Scholastic News-  I have ordered Scholastic News for our class.  This is a biweekly magazine.  The cost per child will be $4.25, but you are not obligated to pay.  I do appreciate a donation of $4.25 though because I am paying for this out of my own pocket if I don't receive money from each student :-)  I love weekly magazines, and the kids do too!  If you are sending in a check, please make the check payable to Burnette Elementary School.  Thank you.

    Agenda Procedures- The school provides each child with an agenda book.  This book helps your child learn about organization at an early age.  In addition, it helps keep parents informed about homework.  At the end of each day, we review what we did during the day.  We also recap any homework assignments the students were given.  At this time, students are given time to write down the homework.  This is their signal to not only write down the assignment but to grab the actual homework assignment from their desk to take home.  I do not fill out the agenda book.  This is something each child does.  Because of this, it is important for your child to write things clearly, or to at least be able to read their own writing.  If you are having trouble reading their assignments, please talk with them about this.  I check for a signature each morning. 

    If you write me a note in the agenda book, it is best that you please tell your child to point the note about to me as I am making my way around, as I don't want to overlook it.  With 31 students, I am walking around stamping a lot of agenda books.  :-)

    Tests - The only tests that will be assigned on a scheduled basis are a reading test and word work (spelling) tests.  We take our word work tests on Fridays as well as a 'cold' reading test.   Your child receives the word work words at the beginning of the week, and we work with those words all week long. 

    Your child can't study for the cold reading test.  With a cold reading, students are presented with stories that are on an expected 4th grade reading level but it uses stories an questions they have not seen before. 

    Unit tests in other subject areas are given at different times.  Students are told ahead of time, and most often (not always), they are given a study guide to study.  I will try to post on here when the tests are, but please refer to your child's agenda book too.

    Have a great weekend!!

    Tuesday, August 14, 2012

    Study Guides for Tests

    Another head's up for you  :-)  I have also added a tab to the top of this page that includes links to some of the study guides we use in class.  Please visit that page for detailed information.  Click HERE to go directly to that page.


    Word Work

    I just wanted to give you a head's up that I added a 'word work' link to the tab list at the top of this page.  You will find some useful information about how the word work program works.  Work work is made up of spelling, but it also includes learning the basis of word mearnings through the study of Greek and Latin word roots.  You may click HERE to go right to the page.


    Thursday, August 9, 2012

    August 9, 2012

    It has been a great first week.  I have a wonderful group of kids that seem to be excited about learning.  It makes for a great year.

    Weekly Folders: Your child will bring home their Friday folder for the first time this week.  There is not much in it this week as far as work, but there are some things from the school.  On a weekly basis, please look through the folder carefully, as there may be papers that need to be signed and returned.  Thank you.

    Math Groups:  We have started switching for math.  Your child's math teacher will issue math work, homework, and tests.  Please talk with your child and review their agenda book (where they should have written down homework) so you are up to date on homework and tests.

    If your child has me for math, they will have a weekly homework sheet that is given out on Mondays and returned on Fridays.  The sheet reviews many different skills.  In addition to this weekly sheet, they may also have a nightly workbook page several nights a week.

    Science/Social Studies: Mrs. Howell and I switch for these subjects.  My homeroom will go to science for one hour on Tuesday and Thursday, and they will go for 45 minutes each Friday.  They will have the same schedule with me for social studies buy on alternating days.

    Reading Calendar and Agenda:  The reading log is taken home and needs a parent signature Monday- Thursday.  The agenda is signed on those same nights.  Neither one has to be signed for the weekends.

    I think this gives you and update on a few of the major topics for the classroom.  I will be adding new blog posts when I think of important information I need to share.  I do not have a set day that I update this blog, but I try to do it at least once a week.  Please do the 'subscribe by email' on the right so you will be emailed when I update the blog. 

    Have a super weekend.

    Please excuse any typos. :-)

    Sunday, August 5, 2012

    Tomorrow is the First Day

    I enjoyed meeting each of you at registration.  I hope you enjoyed your last few days of summer break.

    Tomorrow is the first day of school. WOW!.... hard to believe.

    I have worked  hard to prepare for this school year, so I am really excited.  The first day is always filled with getting situated in the new environment. Students put supplies away and get their desk organized. They become familiar with their new teacher, classmates, and the room itself.  Your child will learn the routines of the classroom, get a brief introduction to some of the concepts they will learn this year, and gain an understanding of the class and school expectations.  It should be a great day for us all. 

    Please note that we waste no time in jumping right into the routine.  Starting Tuesday, we will stick to our daily schedule as best we can.  Starting Wednesday, the school has scheduled us to switch for math classes for the first time. The school places students in math classes, so I have not received information about which fourth grade teacher your child will have for math.  You will know once I receive that info.  Mrs. Howell and I switch classes for Social Studies and Science, so your child will have her for science.  We will most likely start this on Wed. too. 

    Have a super day, and I look forward to greeting the students tomorrow morning.

    Wednesday, August 1, 2012

    Welcome Letter 2012-2013

    Dear Parents,

                    I am very excited about having your child in my classroom and working with you to ensure that your child will have a positive experience in fourth grade.  As your child’s teacher, I have high expectations and will give all my students an opportunity to fulfill these expectations in the learning style that best enables them to achieve their individual goals.

    Listed below are several important reminders for this school year:

    • Burnette Elementary school hours are 8:50-3:20.  Your child may arrive between 8:20-8:50. 
    • Please remember to send a note to school when your child’s transportation changes. All transportation notes must be hand written. Also, all absences require a written note. 
    • Our lunch time is 11:40- 12:05.  You are welcome to join your child for lunch.  Please do not bring fast food for your child to eat.  
    • Feel free to celebrate your child’s birthday by sending in a ready-to-serve treat that your child may pass out during our lunch time.  If you send in drinks, please be sure to send in clear liquids such as sprite or water. 
    • We will have an optional snack time during the day.  Please send one healthy finger food choice (no candy, juice, etc.)  Children may bring water bottles.  Only water will be allowed in the classroom.
    • Please make sure you sign in and wear a visitor’s badge anytime you are in the building to help keep the school safe.

    Our Daily Schedule:
    8:20 – 8:55         Arrival/Morning Work/Announcements
    8:55 – 10:00      Reading
    10:05 – 11:05   Math
    11:05 – 11:40   Writing/Word Study/Grammar
    11:45 -12:10     Lunch
    12:15 – 12:30   TDPE (recess)
    12:35 – 1:15      Writing/Grammar
    1:15 – 2:25         Social Studies/Science
    2:25 – 3:15         Specials
    3:20                       Dismissal

    ·         Our specials schedule will rotate daily.  Our class will follow the below rotation:
                    Day 1 – PE*
                    Day 2–  Art
                    Day 3 – Music
                    Day 4 – Media/Technology/Counseling
                    Day 5 – PE*
    * Please remember to wear or bring appropriate shoes for PE.

    It's going to be a super year!  Please check back often for updates.  Don't forget to subscribe to the blog (one the right side) , or fill in your emial under "follow by email" in order to get emails when the blog is updated. I think the email option is the most convenient.

    Saturday, May 19, 2012

    May 19

    WOW!  I can not believe we have just 3 days left of school.  Where has the year gone? Your kids are growing up and will be entering their last year of elementary school.  It is bitter sweet, I am sure.

    I want to take a moment to thank each of you for a super year.  You have been very supportive, and I do appreciate that.  I have enjoyed teaching your children my first year at Burnette.  They have been such a sweet and fun group to teach.  Your efforts as parents shine through in your polite and respectful children. 

    Now, for a few reminders for the last few days of school.

    CRCT scores went home in Friday folders.  If you have any questions, please contact me.  I was very proud of the students.

    Our class party is Monday, May 21st.

    Also, on Monday the 4th grade will be having a RAM before the party.  This is 'read all morning'.  The students are allowed to bring in a small pillow and towel, as well as books, magazines, word searches, crosswords, etc.  Everything must fit in their book bag. 

    On Tuesday, we are doing a board game morning.  Your child may bring a game that they know how to play and would be able to explain to their friends.  We will also be doing educational games.

    On Tuesday your child will bring home their workbooks and journals, so please try to leave lots of room in the book bag for those items.

    Remember, on Wednesday the students are only to take home their report card.... no book bags and no lunchboxes.  Send their lunch in a disposable bag.  Thanks!

    Have a super safe summer, and enjoy that time with your kids.

    Wednesday, May 2, 2012

    Field Day... Reminder from PTA/Room Mom

    As you know, our field day is this Friday from 12:15 - 3:00Please have sunscreen for you child, and even consider wearing it that morning.  ; )  The will be outside for 2 hours and 45 minutes.

    We have a snack provided by Owen's mom (thank you!), and water and popsicles provided by PTA.

    If you want to join us to watch the events, Don't forget to bring:
    • Your camera
    • Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen.!  Please don't forget the sunscreen for the kids too.  (put it on the kids in the morning and send a bottle with their name marked on it.)
    • If you have a water spray bottle.... please bring it to spray off the kids who would like to get sprayed to cool off.  (As they leave one event and head to the next event we can spray the kids down to cool them off.....)

    We need HELP with:
    • We need someone to bring a bag of ice, to keep the water bottle cool....   (Tricia and  I are both at school for the morning classes, and wanted to refresh the ice for the 4th grade class....   Please let us know if 1 person could bring a bag of ICE.  ; )  (the smaller bag of ice, not the big jumbo one.)
    • At field day, we'll need help handing out the water bottles to the kids.  The bottles with be numbered from 1-25, so we'll be calling out their classroom numbers. (We can take turns handing out the water.)
    • Please take a turn toting the cooler from one event to the other.  It'll be on wheels, but we are going to be outside from 2 hours and 45 minutes.... and alot of us will have already done this in the morning for our younger kids.  ; )

    Thanks for everyone help, what a FUN day!

    Monday, April 30, 2012

    April 30

    Our desks are cleaned out and the room is back in order from the testing arrangement, so we are ready for the last 3 1/2 weeks of school.  Can you believe it?  It is so hard to believe that the year is quickly coming to an end. 

    There is lots on the schedule from here on out, so let me update you on a few things:

    This week your child will be given their end of the year F and P reading level.  This is the individual reading test that shows their growth for the year.  I can't wait to see how they have improved. 

    Field Day is Friday from 12:15-3:00. 

    In SS we will be reviewing the Reform Movement.  We will be taking a test on the three ladies we covered in class:  Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Sojourner Truth.  There is not a study guide for this, but we will be reviewing in class. The test is Thursday of this week.

    My math class will be reviewing algebra (variables and input/output charts) on Monday and will take a quiz on Wednesday of this week.  We had this unit before CRCT testing and put off the test until this week.  They will bring home a couple of study sheets to use as a study guide.

    Next week the students will take the Gwinnett County end of the year test.  They willl take a test each day Monday- Friday in the media center.  We will be taking this test on the computers.  This will be very similar to the beginning of the year test in order to show growth for the year.

    Field trip - May 15th.

    Have a super week!


    Monday, April 23, 2012

    April 23

    CRCT Schedule.....

    Monday - Reading
    Tuesday - Language Arts
    Wednesday - Math
    Thursday - Science
    Friday - Social Studies

    Sunday, April 22, 2012

    April 22

    As your kids probably told you, I was out Friday with a sick child.  Therefore, the progress reports will go out on Monday.  Thanks for your understanding.

    We missed our spelling test since I was out, so I will get this made up this week. 

    Two weeks of boot camp are behind us and the CRCT is upon us!  I think the kids really enjoyed the boot camp sessions.

    The boot camp sessions took time away from our regular schedule, therefore I postponed some tests until after the CRCT.  For starters, although we finished our studies on the Reform  Movement (Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and and Elizabeth Cady Stanton), we will not test until the middle of next week.  My math class will also take their algebra math test this same week.  We will spend time
    reviewing both of these topics before we test. 

    The CRCT begins promptly at 9:00.  Students are not allowed to come into the classroom tardy.  They will have to make the test up on another day in a different classroom.  Testing will take the majority of time before lunch.

    Our schedule beyond the CRCT will be reviewing for the next day's test.  It will be a light review with games, talking, etc.  After all, students will have already spent a large part of their day in a stressful situation.  I will try to lighten the load in the afternoons.  I am not planning to give any homework, but if you would like for your child to get on Study Island or the OAS at night, that would be great.  They could do a bit of last minute practice for the next day's test. 

    This coming Friday we will have our movie day behavior reward for the month of April.  I would like to get at least one more auction in this school year.  The stock is running low, so if you are at Wal-mar, the Dollar Store, or the Target dollar section, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pick up a few things to contribute to the auction.  Thanks!

    If you have not sent in money for the field trip, please do so as soon as possible.  The easiest way to pay is via the payments plus website, which is the same way you pay for lunches online.  We get an update every day showing who has paid using this method. Please send in the permission slip stating the method of payment.  For those of you who put down you would like to chaperon, I will be contacting you once we have our numbers.  There will be limited space on the bus for parents (we have 3 buses that will hold a max. of 150 people), but anyone can go as long as they are willing to drive.  Expect an email from me in the next week if you mentioned  you were interested. Thank you!

    Have a great week!

    Wednesday, March 28, 2012

    March 28

    Good day to you!  Spring break is upon us, but before we head off for a week, I wanted to share with you LOTS that is going on here in the classroom. 

    Field Trip Note- You will find a note with all of the details about our spring trip to the zoo.  You are encouraged to pay using the mealpay online payment system.  All of the details can be found on the sheet as far as the date, payment, lunch, etc.

    CRCT-D scores- Your child was given a letter to take home on Wed. night.  This letter gave the scores your child earned on the D test.  This is a predictor test for how well your child might perform on the real CRCT.  This letter was supposed to be signed and returned.  I received most but not all with a parent signature.  If you have not seen this letter, please talk to your child.  Also, if you did sign it and return it, I have sent them back with your child now that I have seen the signature.

    CRCT- Don't forget that we will have 2 (yes, just 2) full weeks when we return from the break, and then we will take the CRCT.  In the 4th grade, your child is expected to pass all subject areas. There are many things you can do to help your child review.  Study Island and the OAS tests online are great ways to review.  The social studies book and the math book are also online, so you can reread topics we have studied in those two areas if you choose to do so.

    "Boot Camp"- For the two weeks after spring break we will not have our normal schedule.  We will be doing a rotating schedule where students will travel to the other 4th grade teachers reviewing skills that have proven to be a great weakness for our grade level. They will go to their normal math class and they will have social studies and science for a short block of time, but everything else will be sort of mixed up.  It should be a fun way to review lots of different skills. 

    Social Studies- Our topic of study is the Reform Movement.  We do three biography studies that include Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. I don't know the exact test date, but it will either be at the end of the first week after spring break or early the following week. I will let you know as the date gets closer.  Fourth grade does not provide a study guide for this test.

    Reading Incentive Program- The media center is doing an Olympic themed reading program.  Please see the reading log and directions in your child's folder.

    Math-  In my math class we will be finishing up 3-D figures when we return from spring break.  The plan is to test the Tuesday after we return.  We will review that Monday.  There is not a study guide for this, as the students also studied this topic in the second and third grade, so the concept is more of a review.  Here are some of the skills that will be tested in case you would like to discuss them with your child: identify vertices, edges and faces, knowing what solid figures look like in their 'net' form before they are folded into a 3-D figure, being able to sketch a net of a rectangular prism, and knowing what edges on solid figures are parallel or perpendicular to each other.

    I think I have covered everything.  If not, I will be back to type more :-)


    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    March 15

    Students have a science test next Thursday on ecosystems.  Click HERE for a study guide.

    Don't forget about the westward expansion test next Wed. in social studies.  Click HERE for the study guide I posted a week ago. 

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    March 13

    I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!

    We are in the long stretch to finish out this year. It is going to fly by....  WOW! Can you believe your child is almost a 5th grader? 

    Here is the run down of what we will cover this next week or so......

    Math- My math class will continue with 2-D  figures/geometry, and we will hopefully test on Tuesday of next week (March 20).  We will then move on to 3-D/solid figures.  This upcoming test will take a great deal of thinking skills when looking closely at figures to tell what characteristics the figures have, such as parallel lines, perpendicular lines, etc.  A review sheet will come home soon.

    Social Studies - We will finish up westward expansion this week, review early next week, and be ready to test on Wednesday of next week (most likely... I am aiming for that).   Please review last week's blog post for a study guide for this test.  I would advise you to have your child begin studying now if you haven't already done so. :-)

    Reading - We have finished up figurative language, and we are moving on to some non-fiction reading.  We will be going back and reviewing some of our earlier Social Studies topics, such as explorers and Native Americans, and then we will move to Jamestown and the Colonists.  We will read all new material, but it will be on topics we have learned about. We will continue to have our cold reading tests on Fridays and enjoy our Time Magazines.  We will also be visiting the computer lab to work on reading skills through the use of Study Island.

    Don't forget.... pictures are Wed. March 14th.........  We preview the book fair on Friday, March 16th and SHOP on Monday March 19th at 9:35.........

    I am looking forward to a terrific last nine weeks.


    Friday, March 2, 2012

    March 2

    Happy March to you!

    I am going to give you a lot of information, so please read carefully.  Thank you.

    In social studies we will continue studying westward expansion.  This is chapter 11 in the social studies book.  We will not be taking our unit test until week after next.  I would highly recommend you go ahead and start studying with your child.  You may reread chapter 11 and also I am giving a link to the studyguide with the answers, so you can discuss this with your child.

    CLICK HERE for the social studies study guide for westward expansion.

    Because we will have end of the 9 weeks benchmark testing next week, and because we coverd A LOT of information in social studies, I am going to give you some links to a few review packets I put together. I will not be copying these for the students, but I would  highly recommend you print them out and read over them/quiz our child.  We take the social studies benchmark next Friday.

    Links to packets:

    Causes of the American Revolution - click HERE
    American Revolution - click HERE
    Declaration of Independance - click HERE
    The New Nation - click HERE

    My Math Group----- We will take a test on multiplying and dividing decimals a week from Tuesday on March 13.    The plan is to keep reviewing these skills each day for a few minutes, but we will move on to cover some geometry vocabulary and skills.  There will NOT be a study guide for the decimal test.  This test will cover multiplying and dividing decimals x a whole number.  Feel free to use the math book to review these skills or to give your child more practice problems at home.  As with all the tests we take in math, students will need to apply these skills in word problems.  The geometry test will be shortly after that.
    Interim benchmark testing - will  occur next week.  We take one test each day.  Remember, the county makes these tests, and I do not get to see them ahead of time.  They cover the material we teach in class. 

    Donations for silent auction - We are responsible for a reading theme.  Please send in books or gift cards to place in the basket.  Your donations are greatly appreciated!!

    In reading we will finish up with figurative language and move on to poetry.  The kids have really enjoyed figurative language. 

    Have a super weekend!!

    Monday, February 27, 2012

    February 27

    Hi, and happy Monday to you....

    Don't forget that we have early release on Monday and Tuesday of this week.  Car riders dismiss at 12:45.  In case you have forgotten your conference time, your child will be bringing home the time in their agenda book on Monday.  You can also call the front office.

    What's happening in the classroom?

    Social Studies-  We have tested on our Government Unit and are moving on to Westward Expansion.  I do not know the test date yet, but this unit will take us to the end of next week and maybe beyond.

    Math-  My math  class started a unit on multiplying and dividing decimals.  We are well into multiplying decimals and will work on dividing decimals starting tomorrow.  Because this is just building upon what we already know about two skills, we will not spend a great deal of time on this.  We should be ready to test on Monday of next week. 

    Language Arts - We will take an adverb quiz on Friday.  There is not a study guide for this, but these are the types of questions:  circle the adverb in the sentence, Use the correct form of comparative or superlative adverb (ex. fast, faster, fastest), tell if the adverb is telling when, where or how, double negatives.

    Have a super week!

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012

    February 21

    Hello!  I hope you enjoyed the wonderful 4 day weekend.

    Last week I posted a link to a study guide for social studies. This was to allow you to studying with your kids before I sent the in-class study guide home (if you chose to do that).  I do hope you took advantage fo that.  All kids came home with a full study packet starting last Wednesday.  The packet was completed for them to take home for the long weekend, and we will test Wednesday.

    In Math, my math class will test on decimals on Thursday of this week.  They will bring home a study guide on Tuesday that we completed in class.

    These are the two major happenings in class this week, other than a possible science quiz/test from Ms. Howell.  Please check what your students write down in their agenda book for the specifics on this.

    Have a great week!